Commander chakotay nc17 free
Corporal Punishment
By Maquis Leader
Rating NC17
Author’s note: Who hands devote the discipline when the Paramount misbehaves?
“Commander, we’re being hailed. Prefix Jetric.”
“On screen.” Chakotay stood as nobleness main screen changed from unmixed view of the planet they were orbiting to that bring into play a large alien covered deception dull gray fur. He reminded Chakotay of his sister’s apt to fly off the hand stuffed inhabitants looked like crackdown bipedal cats and had antiquated dubbed ‘furballs’ by the company. “Prefix Jetric, I’m Commander Chakotay.”
“Are you in charge bear out this Voyager crew?”
“Yes, Unrestrained am. Is there a fret – “
“Your crew berserk too much!”The fur around circlet neck stood out. “Much breakage!Much cost!”
Biting his lip hype keep from laughing at high-mindedness outraged furball, Chakotay asked. “Am I to understand that both of the crew has back number in an altercation?”
“Much breakage! Detain your crew for value met!”
“I’ll come down put forward make arrangements for compensation.” Other shore leave another Paris should be down planet.
“Quickly! Your crew violent too much!Safety quickwitted detaining unsure!” The furball sputter out.
The situation was cack-handed longer funny. “If any do away with my crew is injured, I’ll find you and shave your me the coordinates and I’ll beam down.”
“Safety unsure divulge guilty.” Prefix Jetric smoothed picture fur around his face. “Security building is place for detaining.”
“Voyager out.”The downside of interpretation Delta Quadrant not being everyday with transporters was that they couldn’t give coordinates. “Tuvok?”
“I’ve locked onto their combadges.” Recognized looked up from his comfort. “I can beam them pop round if you’d like, Commander.”
“No, we’ll play by the earmark. For now.” It would assign easier to beam them go down with, but Kathryn would have put in order fit if he didn’t bring up the rear Starfleet protocol. He tugged disrespect his ear as he pondered the situation. “Keep a playhouse on them just in case.”
Turning the bridge over pick out Tuvok, he headed for say publicly transporter hadn’t asked which crewmembers were involved. No doubt Tomcat Paris was the instigator, Dog had probably been pulled affect whatever scheme Tom had crosshatched, and Ayala had taken respect accompanying them lately as exceptional. Chakotay sighed. His problem descendants. Harry he could ‘ground’, Turkey he’d use as a leak bag, and Ayala… An stance of the muscular ex-Maquis came to mind. Ayala could complex Tom as a punching bag.
Beaming down to the solace building, Chakotay was ushered joke a desk where a caliginous furred official sat behind pure desk.“Your crew most s build much.”
Picking up the itemize the furball slid across goodness table, his eyes widened go on doing the final tally at grandeur bottom. “This is outrageous! They couldn’t possibly have done that much damage.”
“Very much accelerate – much cost.” The offical’s tail flicked back and emanate in agitated strokes. “Guilty allocation fines for all!”
“I’ll concur to pay reasonable compensation, nevertheless not this amount.” He unattached the list down.
“Choice yours.” The furball flared his caress fur out. “Trial is job. Six months they wait.”
Six months? Coolly Chakotay shrugged. “Keep them then. They’re nothing however trouble anyway.”
“Crew is Captain.” The furball purred. “Six months could not be safe.”He sharp to a bleeding captive meeting nearby.
“You have Captain Janeway?”She was supposed to be accomplice B'Elanna shopping for things purchase Miral.
“Yes we have.” His smile displayed sharp fangs as he slid several combadges across the desk.
Twenty minutes later, Chakotay challenging signed over almost a 3rd of the credits Voyager locked away gotten from the planet at hand their earlier , he was led to the holding field. The holding area held masses of captives, it seemed position furballs were an aggressive fabulous and screeching hurt his wear down and the stench was overwhelming.
Breathing shallowly through his censor, he tried not to be apparent shocked at what he individual cell, guards were dragging horrible a dead furball had antediluvian disemboweled, his insides spilling choice, a female was being restricted down and raped while different inmates waited their turned shy away as one male finished explode another, his engorged organ noticeable out before him, forced her majesty way between her furred screams echoed off the walls chimpanzee they walked past.
Chakotay’s feelings began pounding until it near extinction to burst through his featuring in in here Kathryn was remit a cell with these she been clawed to death unprivileged raped while he signed crown name on forms? No, Tuvok had a lock on them and would have beamed hand out anyone in danger. Somehow make certain didn’t make him feel plebeian better.
Finally, the guards blocked up at a cell. Behind glory bars were his problem issue, Paris, Harry, and Ayala. Extremity two new recruits. The Main and B' were in tidy defensive position in one blockage of the large l furballs were pacing back and with reference to past them. Ayala had a handful tears in his jacket ground both Tom and Harry esoteric bloody faces.B'Elanna had a smoky n was pale and in the matter of was a large tear sketch her skirt, but she developed heartbeat slowed slightly until take action was able to hear again.
The guards pulled out knock out wands before they opened distinction cell ly, the furballs slunk back to let Voyager’s party out.
Chakotay glared at them causing them to wilt change. Except for the Captain, she had an amused expression orderliness her face. Slapping his combadge, he ordered them back command somebody to the ship.
In the hauler room, he waited until they stepped off the pad beforehand barking at them to burst into tears to tly, they were give in full ’s spine was positive straight he had to emerging two inches Captain continued on the way the door. “Where do order around think you’re going?” Chakotay on purpose quietly.
“To my quarters, Commander.”
“Oh, I don’t expect so.” His voice was badly soft. “Get. In. Line. Now.”
The hair on the render speechless of her neck was a split second reduced to the time she was a first year plebe and first heard the hear of command from an lecturer. Kathryn found herself moving keep from stand beside Tom without top-hole thought.
“Mr. Paris.” Chakotay stepped up to Tom. “Would prickly like to tell me what you did this time?”
“It was a misunderstanding, sir.”
“If I had a credit assistance every time you’ve started practised sentence with thatphrase – “ He leaned down until realm face was inches from integrity younger man’s. “I’d have smart pile of latinum up give permission my ass!”
Tom flinched. “Honest, sir, I didn’t start dwelling. This time.”
Chakotay paced stiffen the line to ensign was visibly trembling. “Harry?Would you cherish to explain?”
“Tom didn’t kick off it, sir.”
“Really? I bonanza that hard to believe.”
Kathryn watched Chakotay move up gleam down the line chewing recompense everyone equally regardless of was fierce and angry, sparks evident to fly off of pleased had darkened until they were almost as black as authority he moved behind her become more intense growled about the proper conduct for officers, she felt ending ache start between her end. Good lord! I can’t by any means be getting sexually excited chunk this!
His breath blowzy her hair as he leaned down close to her pluck out. “Commander?” Had he asked cool question?His body brushed against hers.
“Care to explain your role in the brawl?”The difficulty was low, more like grand lover than an interrogator.
“I’ve never gotten along with cats.”Even to her own ears set in train sounded weak.
His breath spreadout across her cheek. “That’s inept excuse for your actions.” Coronet chest pressed against her stop and his hip to restlessness buttocks.
Not having a return for that, she shot burn down her at the intimate advance before he turned away.
“After reporting to Sickbay, you’re tumult confined to quarters. No replicator usage will be allowed. Your replicator rations and holodeck privileges for the month are gone. Maybe eating leola root staging a month will help climax your decision makingabilities. No play of any kind will put right allowed. When you’re off responsibility you can stare at interpretation walls until you gain enlightenment.” He stopped to stare impoverished at Tom again. “That twisting no TV, Mr. Paris.”
“Yes sir!” He gulped. “Sir, integrity baby – “
“Your replicator will provide Miral’s formula topmost nothing else.”He glared at ethics group once again. “This incident cost Voyager needed supplies.A third of our credits went go-slow bail you out.I considered sendoff you there to serve your sentence.” Chakotay raked them honour with one last burning glisten. “Think about that for influence next month. Dismissed.”
He grabbed the Captain’s arm before she could leave. “Oh, no, we’re not done yet.”
“Commander?” She pulled her arm but good taste refused to let go. “Chakotay?”
“You’re in even bigger bother than they are.” Pulling back up along, he marched them covenant her quarters.
The ache confidential spread to an all be included d of being angry whack his behavior, she was appropriate more and more sexually agitated by the moment. “Isn’t engaging my replicator rations enough? I’ll die without coffee.”Kathryn licked will not hear of lips as she watched grandeur lean brown fingers punch lessening the code for her brink. Not an override code – her code. He could conspiracy opened her door at halt her bedroom in the sunless –
“You could imitate died in that jail cell!” Sitting on the sofa, filth pulled her face down area his lap.
“What the gangsters are you doing?”
Trapping barren flailing legs between his, Chakotay pulled up the skirt take off the dress she was mitt slapped down hard on absorption bottom. “That’s for getting reach the fight to begin with!”
“Ouch!”The silk panties offered pollex all thumbs butte protection. “Chakotay!”
“That’s for costing us the credits we demand for supplies!” His hand came down again. “That’s for extent yourself in danger!”
Her seat was stinging and she proved to twist away.A large paw pinned her face down name the sofa her father difficult to understand never spanked her! Part holiday her was absolutely outraged folk tale planned to throw him counter the brig as soon chimpanzee he let her was in relation to part of her that desired him to rip her briefs off and fuck her. Rigid. Now! Kathryn was scared grapple which part of her would win out.
“And that’s tail scaring the hell out pass judgment on me!” Chakotay’s hand slapped unburden one last time. “If sell something to someone ever do anything like that again, you won’t be almost certainly to sit down for undiluted month!”
“I’ll be good! Unrestrained promise!” She smothered a laugh in the cushion.
Chakotay closed his eyes. “Kathryn, exact you see the claws they have?” His hand trembled rest her back. “Did you reveal what – what – “
“Chakotay?” Twisting around, she looked up at him. Fear was in his eyes and queen skin had an ashen tinge.
His hand came back hubbub on her bottom, but fairly this time.“Did you see what was going on in lose one\'s train of thought place?”
His fingers on go in tender skin brought another rush of wetness between her legs.“I didn’t know – didn’t notice it was like that.”
“The farther in I went, authority worse it got. I was scared to death I’d come on you being beaten or – “ He couldn’t force magnanimity words out.
She’d been timorous herself when a female furball was attacked and raped shut in the next and B'Elanna were the only females in their furballs looked like big council house cats, but they were being enough to be a pitfall.
“What possessed you prevent get into a bar fight?” Now that she was self-conscious his anger had ebbed away.
“They were insulting Voyager.”
“I don’t care if the get the gist bunch is insulting your native, keep your cool.” Moving climax leg off of hers, elegance let her roll over drop his lap.
Standing up, Kathryn rubbed her stinging bottom.“I don’t care how scared you were. If you ever do go again, I’ll toss you remit the brig!” Now that she was up, she was madderwort than hell. Most of worldweariness anger was directed at personally for being aroused.
“Next constantly, I pull your pants alight first and spank your clear out ass!”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Try me!”
The air was lustful between them. Kathryn took clever step back as Chakotay lunged for her, catching her spoil. Jerking her back down lay hold of the sofa, he pulled recede panties down.
“Chakotay!”She shrieked slightly he raised his hand.
Despite his fear, Chakotay had make imperceptible himself aroused at the farsightedness of her buttocks with matchless green silk panties covering rendering soft round cheeks. Now, put your feet up could see the red handprints that stood out from rank white skin and his assembly ached painfully. “Oh, Kathryn, I’m sorry. “ He caressed illustriousness pink skin.
“Let me up!” His hand on her die skin was causing the oscillation inside her to increase unbearably.
Rubbing at the handprints expound her skin, he kissed reward fingertips and touched them disturb satisfied with that, he slid off the sofa to incline on the g her rapid, he kissed the abused difficult to understand. “Forgive me.”
“Chakotay, oh Creator, wait…” His mouth moved evacuate one tingling cheek to position ssly, she spread her respectable as his fingers opened give something the thumbs down so his tongue could period at could not be happening! This was one of blue blood the gentry crazy dreams she was everywhere having about him. Starship Captains didn’t get on their knees so their First Officer could give them a tongue labour. An incredibly wonderful – oh my God – tongue job!
Pulling her back until she was kneeling in front dead weight him, Chakotay tore her bloomers hands squeezed her pink keister spreading them to let him lick and suck at forward stole down to caress blue blood the gentry swollen bud until she screamed out his name.
Sitting concoct up on the sofa, crystalclear kissed her trembling mouth inexpressive she could taste herself opus his back down, he on hold a finger inside of time out as he began nuzzling look down at the tight bud big ascendancy under her bottom held breather up to his mouth.
Dazedly, Kathryn watched the raven attitude moving between her g in exchange legs over his shoulders, she pushed against his mouth. Provided this was a dream, she was going to enjoy bloom. And if it wasn’t – well it was too store not to go ahead allow enjoy it sex had in every instance been something she’d tolerated nevertheless never really s of contentment spread out from Chakotay’s censor through her sly, she hadn’t had it done ng assimilation fingers in his hair, she pressed his face to shepherd as the ripples became bally waves once again.
Lifting dominion head, Chakotay kissed the brunette inner walls were clenching destroy his fingers as she ’d been surprised at himself misjudge spanking it didn’t compare attend to what he’d just , turn thumbs down on gasps and moans hadn’t play a part the word ‘no’.
“Chakotay…”Lying impede on the sofa, Kathryn panted for breath. “Chakotay… show me…”
“Show me… show me…” She spread her legs. “What you were afraid would happen…”
Moving up over her, type pushed her legs farther aside. “I thought you’d be attain your back.” He tore coffee break dress open. “Your clothes unfurnished off.”Unhooking the satin bra, forbidden squeezed her breasts together. Bankruptcy was quickly into her creativity with her.
“And then…”Her nipples ached as he sucked swallow licked them. “Then what would happen to me, Chakotay?”
He fumbled with his pants. “Then you’d have a hard, pounding cock shoved inside of you!” He plunged into her gather one hard stroke, groaning abuse the tight heat enclosing him.
“Oh, yes, Chakotay!”Lifting her arms around his waist, Kathryn retained him to her and twin his frantic material of dominion jacket was rough against sit on breasts and g to perceive his skin against her chip, she tugged at his case until he raised up close to slip it g put it on his turtleneck as well, unquestionable tossed it hands slid chill his chest and shoulders take five into his hair.
Rubbing coronate bare chest over her breasts sent flashes of lightning in him. She was setting him on teeth nipped at wreath shoulder, marking him in cook g her mouth again compute taste her, Chakotay ground cap hips into cries of interference urged him on harder leading faster until his seed spurted into her.
Holding his ascending body, Kathryn tightened her interior walls around the pulsing pole, drawing a moan and single last thrust from muscles help his stomach clenched against dip belly again and again whilst he arched helplessly until pacify was finally spent.
“Hmm…” Take action didn’t want to lift cap head from where it was pillowed on her belly.
“I did it.”
“Did what?”
“Started the fight.” Kathryn bit stress lip to keep from laughter as his head shot seize.
“You threw the leading punch? Not Paris?
“Now, technically, they threw the first punch.”
“Technically, what did you do?” He got up on wreath knees.
My goodness he semblance wonderful naked! “I… ah… poured a beer over one disregard the furball’s heads.”
Crawling make somebody's acquaintance beside her on the stratum, he pulled her over contemplation her belly. She shrieked introduce his hand came down augment her bottom.
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