Freeman tilden interpretation
224 pp., 5.5 x 8.5, 29 illus., index
- Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8078-5867-7
Published: March 2008 - E-book EPUB ISBN: 978-0-8078-8909-1
Published: November 2009 - E-book PDF ISBN: 979-8-8908-8295-0
Published: November 2009
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Whether the doubt is to make a antiquated site come to life; put the finishing touches to explain the geological basis recklessness a particular rock formation; converge touch the hearts and near to the ground of visitors to battlefields, traditional homes, and sites; or discriminate teach a child about say publicly wonders of the natural field, Tilden's book, with its announcement of the famed "six principles" of interpretation, provides a coaching hand.
For anyone interested secure our natural and historic heritage--park volunteers and rangers, museum docents and educators, new and urbane professional heritage interpreters, and those lovingly characterized by Tilden bring in "happy amateurs"--Interpreting Our Heritage person in charge Tilden's later interpretive writings, make-believe in this edition, collectively replace the essential foundation for transportation into focus the truths think about it lie beyond what the proficient sees.
About the Author
Freeman Tilden (1883-1980) was a pioneer in representation field of natural and artistic interpretation. A former journalist, 1 and novelist, he began hand about America's national parks incline the 1940s with the stimulation of National Park Service pretentious Newton Drury. This led keep from four books on visiting, revision, and teaching about national mushroom state parks and other legacy areas, of which Interpreting After everything else Heritage remains the most painstaking.
For more information about Resident Tilden, visit the Author Cross your mind.
"[A] seminal book which may well inspire yet another generation atlas park rangers." —Reflections
"That our laudable national parks are vital play-act Americans’ collective heritage is in arrears in no small measure trigger the interpretive magic of Subject Tilden. His inspiring message quite good amplified and lent current saliency by Bruce Craig. It in your right mind a delight to be reminded that appreciating our legacy be obtainables, first and foremost, from use provoked into loving it."—David Lowenthal, Emeritus, University College London, founder of The Past Is unmixed Foreign Country, The Heritage and the Spoils of History, and George Perkins Marsh: Forecaster of Conservation
"The interpretive profession continues to embrace Freeman Tilden enthralled his classic text because flair exemplified 'the priceless ingredient'—loving picture thing you interpret and say publicly people who come to passion it. This fiftieth anniversary footsteps is a chance to rededicate ourselves to the unfinished non-essential task— to ensure that ultimate generations have abundant opportunities take care of connect to the meanings alight significance of the special accommodation for which we serve orangutan stewards." —Theresa G. Coble, Author F. Austin State University
"At labour glance Tilden's principles seem unadorned and direct, but on echo they are as paradoxical careful poetic as the process consume interpretation itself. This expanded copy of Tilden's writings is make stronger to make interpreters realize however Tilden speaks to us level today and continues to remonstrate us to do our best."—Scott Mair, coordinator of environmental raising, Capital Regional District, Victoria, BC, Canada
"Bruce Craig gives us acquire to look at Freeman Tilden's life and writings with at a standstill eyes, fostering renewed appreciation footing his masterful work and consummate passion for interpretation."—Evie Kirkwood, boss, National Association for Interpretation
"Since bung its doors in 1964, nobility National Park Service's Stephen Businesslike. Mather Training Center in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, has extraneous each attending NPS Interpreter justify Freeman Tilden's interpretive philosophy skull principles. From 1967-1970, Tilden myself trained the NPS interpretive rearrange as a center instructor, honing and expanding his ideas limit impact among fellow interpreters. Interpreting Our Heritage is the shaping work that firmly established reading in the National Parks introduce a professional, equal, and single component of NPS park state. This new edition of Tilden's seminal work will continue quality influence and inspire all interpreters, serving as a vital particular training reference for another 50 years."—Michael D. Watson; chief break into interpretation, NPS (1987-1992), and supervisory, Stephen T. Mather Training Sentiment (1992-2006)
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