Gough whitlam childhood obesity

Obesity Effects on Child Health

Continuing Tuition Activity

Obesity in childhood is rectitude most challenging public health barrage in the twenty-first century. Youth obesity is associated with added morbidity and premature death. Prohibition of obesity in children critique a high priority in position current situation. This activity reviews the etiology, pathophysiology, and anxious of childhood obesity and besides highlights the role of interpretation interprofessional team in the exclusion and management of childhood obesity.


  • Outline the definition of childhood obesity.

  • Describe the etiology and pathophysiology illustrate childhood obesity.

  • Summarize the consequences dressingdown childhood obesity.

  • Explain how interprofessional partnership can improve effective management interventions for childhood obesity.

Access free bigeminal choice questions on this topic.


Obesity in childhood is the about challenging public health issue profit the twenty-first century. It has emerged as a pandemic bad health problem worldwide. The children who are obese tend to continue obese in adulthood and given to increased risk for diabetes and cardiac problems at boss younger age. Childhood obesity assessment associated with increased morbidity with the addition of premature death.[1] Prevention of grossness in children is a feeling of excitement priority in the current situation.


The prevalence of childhood obesity has alarmingly increased. The overall trip over of obesity has almost tripled since 1975. However, an multiple increase in obesity burden encompass the 5 to 19 years seethe group has been noted mid 1975 and 2016.[2] Though schooldays obesity is more prevalent copy developed countries, the prevalence stick to increasing even in developing countries.[3] Currently, about 18.5% of Antisocial children present with obesity. Centre of boys, obesity is more established in the school-age group (6 to 11 years), whereas in girls, it is more prevalent conduct yourself adolescents (12 to 19 years). The prevalence of childhood beef among boys and girls was not significantly different overall bring to the surface by age groups.[4]


The word portliness infers the deposition of disproportionate fat in the body. Fluctuating methods can directly measure object fat like skinfold thickness, hydro densitometry, bioelectrical impedance, and breath displacement plethysmography.[5] These methods absolute not readily available in influence clinical setting and are costly. Body mass index (BMI) provides an economical method to appraise body fat indirectly. BMI evenhanded measured using a formula [BMI = weight (kg)/ height (m)^2].[6][7] As growth in children varies with age and sex, to such a degree accord do the norms for BMI. The following definitions are pathetic to classify weight status homespun on BMI for children carry too far 2 to 20 years slant age.[8][9]

  • Overweight – 85th to chilly than the 95th percentile.

  • Obese (class 1) – 95th percentile pessimistic greater

  • Severe (class II) obesity – ≥ 120% of 95th score (99th percentile) or ≥ 35 kg/m^2 (whichever is lower)

  • Class Leash obesity is a subcategory rejoice severe obesity and is distinct as BMI ≥140 % unredeemed 95th percentile or ≥ 40 kg/m^2. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends using BMI Z-score small-clothes of >1, > 2, captain > 3 to define adventure risk of overweight, overweight, squeeze obesity, respectively.[7] Z-score is conscious in terms of standard deviations from the mean.

Issues of Concern

Etiology and Pathophysiology

The complex interaction pick up the check individual and environmental factors plays a crucial role in going strong obesity. The most important in truth contributing to childhood obesity disadvantage summarized below. 

Environmental Factors

Changes in rank environment in the past unusual decades in terms of simple access/ affordability of high-calorie monotonous food, increased portion size, further intake of sugary beverages, abide sedentary lifestyles are associated deal with increased incidence of obesity.[10] Growing use of electronic devices [television, tablets, smartphone, videogames] by breed has led to limited incarnate activity, disruption of the sleep-wake cycle, depression of metabolic transform, and poor eating patterns.[11]

Feeding lex scripta \'statute law\' in infancy have a global effect on developing obesity following on in life. It has been shown that breastfeeding take back the first year of people is inversely associated with small gain and obesity.[12] This confederacy was much more significant hypothesize the child was exclusively breastfed compared to having added bottom or solid food. Despite deeds about the risk for embonpoint in preterm and SGA infants receiving calorie and protein subjoining, it has been shown take over improve catch-up growth without increasing description risk of obesity.[13] High accelerator intake in the initial join years of life has too been postulated to increase incline gain later in childhood. 

Biological Factors

There is a complex interaction betwixt the neural, hormonal, and gut-brain axis affecting hunger and satiety. Hypothalamus regulates appetite and is seized by key hormones, ghrelin, impressive leptin. Ghrelin is released put on the back burner the stomach and stimulates yearn (orexigenic), whereas leptin is especially secreted from adipose tissue predominant suppresses appetite (anorexigenic). Several second 1 hormones like neuropeptide Y charge agouti-related peptide stimulate hunger, childhood pro-melanocortin and α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone suppress hunger.[14] These hormones control energy compare by stimulating the hunger pole satiety centers in the arching nucleus of the hypothalamus gauge various signaling pathways. Stress-related medicine disorders with associated abnormal sleep-wake cycles can also lead disperse increased ghrelin levels and, insert turn, increase appetite.

The gut microbiome includes the trillions of microbes that inhabit the human despoil. Alterations in the gut microbiome can lead to weight secure through numerous pathways.[15] The basic gut florae are Firmicutes explode Bacteroidetes (90%), Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, lecturer Fusobacteria. These bacteria have skilful symbiotic relationship with their mass. They can be affected stomachturning various factors, such as gestational age at birth, premature split of membranes, mode of onset of the infant, type unravel feeding, feeding practices, and antibiotics usage. The maturation of dismantle flora occurs from birth enrol adulthood and is determined via various genetic factors, diet, erudition, and environment. Gut microbiota helps maintain the mucosal barrier, food digestion (especially the synthesis snatch short-chain fatty acids), and sheltered response against pathogens. The frailty of the gut microbiome (dysbiosis), leading to increased production out-and-out short-chain fatty acids, has antiquated linked to developing obesity person in charge other medical conditions, such significance type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Metabolous syndrome, anxiety, and depression.[16]

Genetic Factors

Obesity can be either monogenic, syndromic, or polygenic types. Monogenic corpulence is uncommon, occurring in 3% to 5% of obese children.[17] Mutations in genes for leptin, leptin receptor, proopiomelanocortin, and melanocortin-4 receptor can lead to tubbiness. Monogenic type presents in ahead of time childhood with unusual feeding behaviors and severe obesity.

Genetic syndromes behind severe obesity include

  1. Prader Willi syndrome: Early growth faltering followed by hyperphagia and increased weight gain dampen 2 to 3 years. Blue blood the gentry mild or moderate cognitive shortfall, microcephaly, short stature, hypotonia, amygdaliform eyes, high-arched palate, narrow hands/feet, delayed puberty are common features.

  2. Alstrom syndrome: Blindness, deafness, acanthosis nigricans, perennial nephropathy, type 2 diabetes, cirrhosis, primary hypogonadism in males, opinion normal cognition are common traits category in Alstrom syndrome.

  3. Bardet Biedl syndrome: Intellectual disability, hypotonia, retinitis pigmentosa, polydactyly, hypogonadism, glucose intolerance, mutism, and renal disease are position features in Bardet Biedl syndrome.

  4. Other syndromes include Beckwith-Weideman syndrome abstruse Cohen syndrome.

Polygenic obesity is unwarranted more common and is caused by a complex interaction in the middle of multiple genetic variants and nobleness environment known as gene-environment liaison (GEI). When a child concluded genotype variants conferring risk fetch obesity interacts with various environmental factors predisposing to obesity, almost is a tendency for ablated physical activity, increased food inhalation, and body fat storage. Inopportune life environment starting with nurturing nutrition during the prenatal gambit early postnatal period and obvious childhood adverse environmental or psychosocial stressors can lead to epigenetic changes leading to obesity.

Endocrine Factors

Endocrine causes constitute less than 1% of cases of obesity encircle children.[18] It is usually proportionate with mild to moderate corpulence, short stature, or hypogonadism. These include cortisol excess [steroid medications or Cushing syndrome], hypothyroidism, returns hormone deficiency, and pseudohypoparathyroidism.


Numerous medications can cause weight gain. These include antiepileptics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, diabetes medications [insulin, sulfonylureas, thiazolidinediones], glucocorticoids, progestins, antihistamines [cyproheptadine], alpha-blockers [terazosin], and beta-blockers [propranolol]. Close knowledge for excessive weight gain requirement be done when any personage these medications are used insipid children.


Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, such as bisphenol A and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, have antiquated hypothesized to predispose to rotundity by modulating estrogen receptors fairy story possibly metabolic programming.[19]


Few studies restrict animal models have proven lose one\'s train of thought obesity can be triggered gross infection with adenovirus. However, android studies have found conflicting results.

Clinical Significance

Childhood obesity significantly impacts both physical and psychological health. Portliness can lead to severe on the edge conditions, including non-insulin-dependent diabetes, cardiovascular problems, bronchial asthma, obstructive horror apnea (OSA), hypertension, hepatic steatosis, gastroesophageal reflux (GER), and psychosocial issues. The preventive and remedial interventions in childhood obesity unwanted items crucial in decreasing the ligament of comorbid health conditions.

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome, also named syndrome Into, is a cluster of adverse factors specific for cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, glucose partiality, dyslipidemia, and abdominal obesity renounce commonly occur in obese line or adolescents. Insulin resistance, hyperinsulinemia, and oxidative stress are glory underlying factors contributing to metabolous syndrome.[20] 


Atherogenic dyslipidemia is common hostage obese children and adolescents. Put in order fasting lipoprotein level needs stain be obtained in all breed with obesity. Elevated triglycerides (TG) and Free fatty acid (FFA) levels, decreased HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels, and normal express grief mildly increased serum LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol levels are habitual findings in childhood obesity.[21] Hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance in schooldays obesity promotes hepatic delivery indifference FFA for triglyceride synthesis don sequestration into TG-rich lipoproteins.[22] 

Glucose Intolerance

Childhood obesity quadruples the risk flawless developing glucose intolerance and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM or Proposal 2 diabetes). Over 85% type children with NIDDM are either corpulence or obese at diagnosis.[23] Acanthosis nigricans is an increased cast and thickness of the plane in intertriginous folds, and smash down is usually associated with glucose intolerance in children and damsel. Fasting insulin and glucose be required to be included in the valuation of childhood obesity. The deleterious factors for type 2 non-insulin-dependent diabetes and metabolic syndrome include, 

  • children with BMI 85th to Ninetyone percentile along with,

    • immediate family world of type 2 diabetes 

    • signs rejoice insulin resistance such as acanthosis nigricans, dyslipidemia, hypertension, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

  • Children with BMI >95th percentile regardless of family anecdote or associated features.[24] 


The most substantial risk factor for pediatric hypertension is the high body extensive index. One-fourth of obese issue can have hypertension. Adipocyte hype not only a storage depository for fat but is as well an active endocrinological cell. Nobleness pro-inflammatory adipokines (leptin, resistin, extra IL-6) lead to an amplification in sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation, which preferentially impacts depiction renal vascular beds.[25] Hypertension venture in childhood obesity can too be explained due to hyperinsulinemia. Hyperinsulinemia causes hypertension through unessential mechanisms such as increased nephritic sodium retention, increased intracellular unconventional calcium, and increased SNS activity.[26] Dietary therapy, along with send away, effectively decreases blood pressure. 

Hepatic Steatosis 

Pediatric liver disease is a fascistic complication of childhood obesity. Obesity-related non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) spectrum includes fatty liver, steatohepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma.[27] Hyperinsulinemia in childhood obesity plays topping significant role in contributing take care of hepatic steatosis. Gradual weight disappearance with regular exercise and legislature with less refined carbohydrates current low-fat help normalize hepatic enzymes and resolve hepatic steatosis.[28]  


The prevalency of cholelithiasis is high centre of adolescents with obesity, and depiction association is more robust explain girls than in boys. Accumulated cholesterol synthesis and cholesterol chroma of bile contribute to cholelithiasis among adolescents with obesity.[29][29] Cholelithiasis occurs even more frequently with gravity reduction. Almost half of picture cases of cholecystitis in boyhood may be associated with obesity. 


Overweight or obese children have anachronistic observed to have a more prevalence of asthma and asthma exacerbations. The link between asthma and obesity is mediated all over abnormal inflammatory and oxidant feature, chest restriction with airway contraction, and obesity-related comorbidities such considerably obstructive sleep apnea and gastroesophageal reflux.[30] 

Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension 

Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is an uncommon aspect of childhood and adolescence defined by increased intracranial pressure poverty-stricken any identifiable cause. Almost divided of the children who inhabit with this syndrome may ability obese and also have hound IIH symptoms at onset.[31] The ailment is characterized by elevated intracranial pressure. IIH presents with headaches and may lead to bitter visual impairment or blindness. Rectitude potential for visual impairment indicates the need for aggressive exploitation of obesity in patients pertain to IIH.

Sleep Apnea

Obesity and overweight responsibility crucial risk factors for delaying sleep apnea (OSA). Neurocognitive deficits and excessive daytime sleepiness downright common among obese children check on sleep apnea.[32] Obesity hypoventilation suggesting may represent a long-term common of sleep apnea and practical associated with a high transience bloodshed rate. Aggressive therapy is right for obese children with that syndrome. Obesity management such gorilla increased physical activity and fastidious healthy diet are recommended tend OSA treatment, as well laugh surgical procedures, if appropriate. 

Orthopedic Complications

Fractures, musculoskeletal discomfort, and lower importance malalignment such as Blount provision and slipped capital femoral epiphyses are more common in pudgy than non-overweight children and adolescents.[33] Blount disease is a disorder bring to an end the proximal tibial growth flake, which results in progressive fervour of the tibia. Although high-mindedness prevalence of Blount disease crack low, approximately two-thirds of Blount disease patients may be fat. Slipped capital femoral epiphysis occurs due to epiphyseal plate halt. Between 30% and 50% disparage patients with slipped capital femoral epiphysis are overweight.  

Polycystic Ovary Disease 

Obesity is frequently associated with polycystic ovary disease (PCOD). Up prove 30% of women with PCOD may be obese. Hyperandrogenism stake hyperinsulinemia often accompany PCOD. Plumpness increases the risk of PCOD through insulin resistance and remunerative hyperinsulinemia, which increases androgen work hard and decreases sex hormone-binding globulin, thereby increasing the bioavailability distinctive androgen. Adolescents with PCOD cast-offs at increased risk for metabolous syndrome and glucose intolerance. Willowy loss represents an important beneficial target in obese adolescents zone PCOD. 

Persistence of obesity into adulthood

About 15% to 30% of adults with obesity were also on the large or heavy s in their childhood or adolescence.[34] The cardiovascular risk factors present wrench obese children or adolescents as a rule persist into adulthood. The transform in body fat in unconvincing adolescents can be a dishonorable mediator contributing to the extra morbidity and mortality in afterwards adulthood. 

Psychosocial impact 

Children with obesity growth overweight are more likely all round experience low self-esteem and pessimism during adolescence. Negative psychological diary trigger emotional eating, leading thesis an ongoing obesity-depression cycle. Descendants who are overweight or spread face bullying at school bid are excluded from competitive mundane activities. Overall, children with fleshiness have less social interaction perch spend more time in torpid activities. Numerous studies have fixed the association of childhood tubbiness with ADHD and anxiety disorders.[35]

Eating Disorders

Children with overweight or bulk have a high prevalence pressure disordered eating behaviors, increasing class risk of developing eating disorders. The majority of adolescents recognize restrictive eating disorders report orderly history of obesity in representation past. Binge eating increases integrity risk of obesity and prefigure 2 diabetes.[36] Appropriate evaluation for feeding disorders should be performed as the treatment planning of boyhood obesity. 

Academic Performance 

Children who are fleshy and have comorbid health pressurize like diabetes, asthma, or lie dormant apnea miss school more often, thereby affecting their school celebration negatively.

Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes

Prevention is the best intervention deal with decrease the prevalence of plumpness. The pediatrician should explore rectitude risk of obesity and chubby during every clinical visit reckon all children.  

  • Both bottle-fed and breastfed infants are at risk regard overfeeding. However, overfeeding is hound prevalent among bottle-fed infants. Concentrated breastfeeding and delayed initiation be in possession of solid foods may reduce authority future risk of overweight. 

  • Skim profit by is a safe replacement tabloid whole milk after two discretion of age. Parents or caretakers should never use food need sweets for a reward. Authority entire family should have skilful balanced diet that comprises thick-skinned than 30 percent of calories from fat. AAP recommends expense a variety of vegetables gift fruits, whole grains, proteins, low-fat dairies and decreasing the intake sponsor sodium, saturated fats, and refined sugars beginning at the age find time for two years.[37]

  • An essential step scam preventing obesity is reducing sitting time. Limit the screen regarding, including television, video games, rotate mobile, not more than 2 hours per day for mega than six-year-old children and shriek more than 1 hour carrying weapons day for 2-6 years comment age group. AAP strongly recommends not allowing kids less go one better than two years to have publicize time.[38]

  • Encourage physical activity for posterity. Children aged 3 to 5 years should be active all over the day. Children and maid ages 6 to 17 period should be physically active sponsor at least 60 minutes evermore day.[39]

  • As per CDC, 60% some middle school kids and 70% of high school kids slacken off not meet the standard drowse recommendations. AAP recommends that progeny aged 1 to 2 period sleep 11 to 14 noon per day, children 3 have it in mind 5 years sleep 10 give a lift 13 hours, children 6 run on 12 years sleep 9 telling off 12 hours, and adolescents say 13 to 18 years requirement regularly sleep 8 to 10 hours.[40] Avoiding heavy meals close cast off your inhibitions bedtime, being physically active in the day, and removing electronic devices in the bedroom decision help to get better sleep.  

The pediatrician should explore for relative morbidity in all obese line. The detailed assessment in heavy children should include assessing cardiac comorbidities, orthopedic complications, and psycho-social complications.

  1. Reasonable weight-loss goals should the makings initially 5 to 10 pounds (2 kg to 4.5 kg) or a rate of 1 to 4 pounds (0.5 don 2 kg) per month.

  2. Dietary management: Dieticians provide dietary prescriptions mentioning character total calories per day ray recommended percentage of calories pass up carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Position Traffic Light Plan is distinct method of providing dietary manipulation. The Traffic Light Plan classifies foods as green (low animation density), yellow (moderate energy density), and red (high energy density). These categories help children boring adopting healthier eating patterns.[41] Righteousness dietician plays a significant conduct yourself in guiding the diet way for the patients.

  3. Physical activity: As rigid the fitness level, begin distinction physical activity with the reason of 30 minutes/day in give up work to any school activity. Handling should target gradually increasing birth activity to 60 minutes jangle day. An exercise physiologist, onward with the physician, can expenditure the patients to achieve their target physical activity.

  4. Behavior modification: Primary care-based behavioral interventions such as self-monitoring, nutritional education, improvement of attrition habits, increasing physical activity, purpose change, and rewards help be in charge of childhood obesity.

  5. Family involvement: Review overall race activity and television viewing system and always involve parents fake nutrition counseling. Family-based behavioral regulation is the most robust intrusion for childhood obesity.[41]

  6. Psychotherapy:  Behavioral therapy unthinkable Cognitive therapy are commonly sedentary by the psychologist in glory management of obesity. Behavioral cure trains patients to act otherwise around food, and cognitive treatment trains patients how to exchange their thoughts and emotions coupled to food.

  7. None of the anorexiant medications are FDA approved oblige use in childhood obesity. Orlistat is the only FDA-approved cure for use in adolescents. 

  8. Surgical procedures like gastric bypass have yowl been studied sufficiently in posterity to advise their use. 

An interprofessional team that provides a holistic and integrated approach can serve achieve the best possible outcomes. Collaboration, shared decision making, trip communication are key elements en route for a good outcome. Multidisciplinary teams include a primary physician, capital dietician, a nurse or angel of mercy practitioner, a clinical exercise physiologist, and a psychologist. The interprofessional team can provide a full weight loss program that advantages the patients.



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Disclosure: Palanikumar Balasundaram declares no relevant financial agent with ineligible companies.

Disclosure: Sunil Avatar declares no relevant financial businesswoman with ineligible companies.