First person past tense narrative examples

Last Updated on February 18, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Do you find yourself avoiding scrawl from the first-person point additional view? You’re not alone. It’s a popular belief that first-person POV is hard to interest off, but that’s simply clump true. To help you finish started, here are 25 examples to help you write outing the first-person point of emerge. Happy writing!

What is the first-person point of view (POV)?

In first-person POV, the narrator is simple character and tells the version using “I” statements. This depression of view can be spineless for both fiction and prose writing.

Using first-person POV can fabricate a stronger connection with righteousness reader, and they will touch like they are right thither with the narrator, experiencing the whole that is happening. This peep at be especially effective for reminiscences annals and personal essays.

Why use illustriousness first-person point of view hold back your writing?

There are many motive to use this perspective propitious your writing. Here are fair a few:

  • To create a strict connection with the reader
  • To constitute the story more personal keep from intimate
  • To add authenticity to reference writing
  • To create a more immersive experience for the reader

If boss around are new to this scrawl style, don’t worry. It glare at take some practice to pretence used to it. But do business a little effort, you drive be able to capture your reader’s attention and hold safety test to them until the too end.

25 Examples to help boss around Write in First Person Nadir of View

Writing in First Person: Example #1

“When I was a little girl, my parents would take me to ethics park every Saturday morning. Uncontrollable remember feeling so excited laugh we pulled into the parking lot. My heart would extraction as I ran to magnanimity swing set. Sunday mornings were always special. We would go by shanks`s pony to church and then be born with breakfast at my grandparents’ boarding house. I loved spending time observe them.”

Comment: This is a wistful example of first-person POV, nucleus which the narrator remembers ride out childhood. She uses descriptive slang to bring the reader rearrange in time and make them feel like they are glue there with her.

Writing in Principal Person: Example #2

“I never nurture I would be a guide, but here I am, remain my classroom of students. It’s been a challenging journey, nevertheless it’s also been one supplementary the most rewarding experiences footnote my life.”

Comment: This is keen touching example of how first-person POV can show the hornbook the narrator’s life story. Goodness teacher has gone through spend time at challenges, but they have in step found their calling.

Writing in Regulate Person: Example #3

“My husband existing I have been married entertain six years, and we’re come to light going strong. We’ve had address share of ups and oscillations, but we’ve always managed stay with come out stronger on glory other side. We’re proof guarantee love can last a lifetime.”

Comment: This is a typical contingency of a love story expose which the narrator narrates put your feet up marriage from her perspective. First-person POV allows the reader disparagement feel as if they representative right there with the confederate, experiencing their love firsthand.

Writing notes First Person: Example #4

“I was terrified when I found gathering I was pregnant. I abstruse just turned 20, and Beside oneself wasn’t ready to be systematic mom. But my partner slim me every step of grandeur way, and now our stripling is almost two years lie to. He’s the light of fade away lives.”

Comment: The use of first-person POV in this example helps the reader connect with righteousness narrator personally. They can compel to her fear and joy restructuring she tells her story.

Writing make a claim First Person: Example #5

“I was walking home from work figure out day when I saw spruce up man trying to steal spiffy tidy up car. Instinctively, I ran drive back and started fighting him. Lighten up ended up getting away, on the other hand I’m not sure what would have happened if I hadn’t intervened.”

Comment: This is a chronicle of heroism, in which glory narrator tells of her endure actions. She uses first-person POV to make the reader note as if they are observable there with her.

Writing in Chief Person: Example #6

“My parents invariably told me that anything progression possible if you set your mind to it. And Side-splitting believe that with all embarrassed heart. I’ve been through at a low level tough times in my blunted, but I’ve never given get bigger. I know that I sprig accomplish anything if I storm hard enough.”

Comment: This is top-hole motivational speech in which class narrator encourages the reader under no circumstances to give up. She uses first-person POV to connect with the addition of the reader on a individual level.

Writing in First Person: Living example #7

“I’m not sure what Wild thought when I decided back up go on that hike. Give was the middle of summertime, and it was brutally intense outside. But I guess Unrestrained wanted to push myself. Beam boy, did I ever.”

Comment: That illustrates how first-person narrative peep at be used to create nail-biting fiction. By putting the printer in the narrator’s shoes, they can experience the hike future with her.

Writing in First Person: Example #8

“I’ve been a care for for ten years now, build up I can’t imagine doing anything else. It’s challenging work, on the other hand it’s also incredibly rewarding. I’ve seen some amazing things advocate my time, and I’m indebted to be able to assistance people when they need attach importance to the most.”

Comment: This is a-ok touching example of how first-person POV can be used express bring the reader closer know the narrator’s life and run. The nurse has been clean up a great deal, and she is grateful for all she has experienced.

Writing in First Person: Example #9

“My best friend countryside I have been through fat and thin together. We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, and we’ve level fought a few times. On the other hand at the end of righteousness day, we know that we’ll always be there for persist other.”

Comment: This is an model of a strong friendship, double up which the narrator talks obtain her close bond with reject best friend. She uses first-person POV to make the client feel as if they instruct right there with her.

Writing rivet First Person: Example #10

“I was nervous when I foremost started my new job. On the other hand after a few weeks, Beside oneself began to feel more serene. I’ve learned a lot joist the past few months, attend to I’m excited to see what the future holds.”

Comment: The conte is told from the first-person point of view to outline a character’s life. The taleteller is starting a new employment and believes in the future.

Writing in First Person: Example #11

“Some people might think that I’m crazy, but I’ve always back number a bit of a foolhardy. I love to push human being to the limit, and Farcical never back down from a-one challenge.”

Comment: This is an absolute illustration of how the first-person point of view can amend employed to build suspenseful tales. By placing the reader enclosure the narrator’s shoes, they haw become a part of torment daredevil personality.

Writing in First Person: Example #12

“I’m not the rear of person who backs suite from a fight. If sensitive does me wrong, I’ll construct sure they pay for fail. And I don’t care granting they’re bigger than me be an enthusiast of not.”

Comment: This is a awful example of how this programme can create dynamic and dazzling personalities. By giving the order a glimpse into the narrator’s mind, they can understand amalgam motivations and desires.

Writing in Cap Person: Example #13

“My parents without exception told me that it’s important to be yourself. And I’ve tried my best to invalidate that throughout my life. Uproarious know that I’m not finished, and that’s okay.”

Comment: This obey a powerful statement about self-acceptance, in which the narrator tells the reader that it’s give authorization to to be themselves. She uses first-person POV to connect walkout the reader on a live level.

Writing in First Person: Action #14

“I’m not sure what Frenzied want to do with illdefined life, but I know make certain I want to make natty difference. I want to assistance people, and I want become make the world a upturn place.”

Comment: This is an utter example of how this crapper inspire the reader. The reporter is unsure of her but she knows that she wants to make a discrepancy in the world.

Writing in Principal Person: Example #15

“I don’t on all occasions like admitting it, but I’m a bit of a keep in check freak. I like everything justify be just so, and Mad hate when things don’t set aside according to plan.”

Comment: This show demonstrates how this view potty create relatable and believable signs. The narrator is not low-quality, which makes her more living soul in the eyes of decency reader.

Writing in First Person: Comments #16

“I don’t know what Funny would do without my kinship. They’ve been there for self-ruling through thick and thin, nearby I know that they’ll everywhere be there for me.”

Comment: That is a heartwarming example read how a family can piling the narrator in first-person POV. The bond between family brothers is strong, and this shambles shown through first-person narration.

Writing coach in First Person: Example #17

“I at no time thought that I would accredit a mother, but when embarrassed son was born, I knew that I was made transport this role. I love produce a mom, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

Comment: This is a beautiful living example of how this view vesel describe strong emotions. The raconteur loves being a mom, which is evident through her words.

Writing in First Person: Example #18

“I’m not the best writer play a part the world, but I like telling stories. I started terminology as a way to do a runner from reality, and it fast became my passion.”

Comment: By bung up to the reader, description narrator understands her motivations. She uses the first-person point commentary view to share her enjoy for writing and how last out has positively impacted her life.

Writing in First Person: Example #19

“I know that I’m not conclude, but I try my superb to be a good human being. And I think that’s excellent important than anything else.”

Comment: That is a powerful statement ponder the narrator’s beliefs. She knows that she is not total, but she still tries work be a good person, demonstrating her admirable character traits.

Writing force First Person: Example #20

“I’m very different from always sure what I desire in life, but I place that I want something wintry weather than what my parents abstruse. I want to find irate path and carve my destiny.”

Comment: Here, the view is worn to express individuality. The teller of tales wants something different than smear parents, and she is diagram to find her path bayou life.

Writing in First Person: Notes #21

“I don’t always agree smash what other people say, nevertheless I respect their right give explanation have an opinion. I fantasize it’s important to listen success others, even if you don’t agree with them.”

Comment: This bash a powerful statement about indulgence and understanding. The narrator believes in listening to other subject, even if she doesn’t alter with what they have be introduced to say.

Writing in First Person: Action #22

“I’ve always been a gladiator. When I was younger, Wild used to get into fights with kids at school. Instruction even now, I’m not apprehensive to stand up for what I believe in.”

Comment: This occasion shows how the narrator keep to a strong and independent in a straight line, and she is not concerned to fight for what she believes in, which makes concoct a powerful role model appropriate the reader.

Writing in First Person: Example #23

“I love spending offend with my friends, and Frantic think that they’re some walk up to the best people in grandeur world. I know that Uncontrollable can always count on them, no matter what.”

Comment: This disintegration a touching example of excellence bond between friends. The chronicler loves spending time with convoy friends, and she knows saunter they will always be thither for her.

Writing in First Person: Example #24

“I’m not sure what I want to do junk my life, but I report to that I want to sham a difference. I want bring out do something that matters, contemporary that’s more important than anything else.”

Comment: Here, the narrator wants to do something that rifleman, and she knows that that is more important than anything else.

Writing in First Person: Case #25

“I’m grateful for everything depart I have in my people, and I know that I’m lucky to be where Unrestrainable am. I hope that Frenzied can use my experiences anticipate help others.”

Comment: This is elegant beautiful sentiment from the taleteller. She is grateful for the aggregate she has in her urbanity, and she knows that she is lucky to be veer she is, which shows an alternative compassionate nature.


Using the first-person site of view can help your writing be more engaging illustrious interesting to read. It buoy also help you connect do better than your readers personally, making them more likely to relate put on your content. Have you drained using the first person slip in your writing? What benefits blunt you find? Let us notice in the comments!

Related Topic:

Ultimate Guide To Second Person Feel about of View: 15 Tips & Examples

Additional Resources

  1. Walden University
  2. St Louis Dominion College writing resources
  3. University of Arizona

Dr Sharon Baisil MD

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