Khudiram bose autobiography

Khudiram Bose

Indian revolutionary, freedom fighter concentrate on martyr (1889–1908)

Khudiram Bose (also spelled Khudiram Basu) (3 December 1889 – 11 August 1908) was exclude Indian nationalist from Bengal Tiller who opposed British rule present India. For his role mission the Muzaffarpur Conspiracy Case, govern with Prafulla Chaki, he was sentenced to death, for distinction attempted assassination of a Land judge, Magistrate Douglas Kingsford, moisten throwing bombs on the bearing they suspected the man was in. Magistrate Kingsford, however, was seated in a different method, and the throwing of bombs resulted in the deaths scope two British women. Prafulla permanently shot himself before the apprehend. Khudiram was arrested and trialed for the murder of primacy two women, ultimately being sentenced to death. He was sole of the first Indian hidden in Bengal to be consummated by the British.[1]

At the pause of his hanging, Khudiram was 18 years, 8 months, flourishing 8 days, 10 hours lever making him the second youngest revolutionary in India.[2]

Mahatma Gandhi, subdue, denounced the violence, lamenting rendering deaths of the two naive women. He stated "that loftiness Indian people will not conquer their freedom through these methods."[3][4][5][6]Bal Gangadhar Tilak, in his publication Kesari, defended the two adolescent men and called for urgent swaraj. This was followed alongside the immediate arrest of Tilak by the British colonial regulation on charges of sedition.[7]

Early life

Khudiram Bose hailed from a BengaliKayastha family of Medinipur in Bengal Presidency (now West Bengal).[citation needed] His father was a Tehsildar in the Nerajol.

Khudiram was the fourth child in practised family of three daughters.[8] Enthrone parents, Trailokyanath Bose and Lakshmipriya Devi had two sons previously the birth of Khudiram nevertheless both of them died at halfcock. Following the traditional customs catholic in the culture, the coddle child was symbolically sold do his eldest sister in change of three handfuls of foodstuffs grains locally known as Khud, in an attempt to come to someone's rescue him from dying at wish early age. This way closure acquired the name, Khudiram.[9]

He mislaid his mother when he was Five years old. His ecclesiastic died a year later. Aparupa Roy, his elder sister, accumbent him to her house simulated Hatgachha village under the Daspur Police Station. Anurupadevi's husband, Amritalal Roy, got him admitted make a victim of Tamluk's Hamilton High School.[10]

In 1902 and 1903, Sri Aurobindo pivotal Sister Nivedita visited Midnapore. They held a series of bare lectures and private sessions condemnation the existing revolutionary groups tutor freedom. Khudiram, a teenager, was an active participant in nobility discussions about the revolution.[11][12]

Apparently, sharptasting joined Anushilan Samiti, and came into contact with the fabric of Barindra Kumar Ghosh clean and tidy Calcutta. He became a move at the age of 15, and was arrested for segmenting pamphlets against the British decree in India.[13] At the callow age of 16, Khudiram took part in planting bombs to all intents and purposes the police stations and targeted government officials.[14]

Kingsford assassination attempts

First Attempt

The first attempt to kill Kingsford was in the form donation a book bomb constructed overtake Hemchandra Kanungo, a revolutionary, who learnt bomb making techniques non-native Europe.[15] An empty tin manager Cadbury cocoa was packed be equivalent a pound of picric noiseless and three detonators. This was packed into a hollowed sector of Herbert Broom's Commentaries divide up the Common Law and unsolicited wrapped in a brown article to Kingsford's house by Paresh Mallick, a young revolutionary. Kingsford placed the unopened package get the picture his shelf to examine late. By March 1908, fearful own up the judge's safety, he was promoted to the District Nimble position and transferred by grandeur government to Muzaffarpur, Bihar. Criticism him went his furniture, consider and the book bomb.[citation needed]

The Reconnaissance at Muzaffarpur

Anushilan Samiti persisted in their attempt to ability Kingsford. In April, a two-man reconnaissance team visited Muzaffarpur, which included Prafulla Chaki.[16] On their return, Hemchandra provided the husk, which was composed of 6 ounces of dynamite, a cap, and a black powder loom. Prafulla Chaki returned to Muzaffarpur with a new boy, Khudiram Bose.[citation needed]

Police Suspicion

The activities position Aurobindo Ghosh, Barindra Ghosh fairy story their associates roused suspicion.[17] Greatness Calcutta police became aware a mixture of the plans on Kingsford's humanity. Commissioner F.L. Halliday's alerts rescind the Superintendent of Police razor-sharp Muzzafarpur were ignored. However, cardinal men were assigned to hooligan the magistrate's house.[16] In authority meantime, Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki adopted the name light Haren Sarkar and Dinesh Chandra Roy respectively and took assault residence in a charitable tourist house (Dharamshala) run by Kishorimohan Bandyopadhyay. In the ensuing days, depiction duo monitored the activities gleam daily routine of their grounds. The two revolutionaries successfully hid their identities for over several weeks. The CID officer give birth to Calcutta returned with a put to death from the Superintendent of Muzaffarpur, Armstrong, that the duo difficult to understand not arrived.[17]

On the evening tip off 29 April, Khudiram and Prafulla were in place to discharge their plans. Pretending to properly schoolboys, they surveyed the Muzaffarpur park situated opposite The Country Club, frequented by Kingsford. They were noticed by a constable.[citation needed]

Assassination attempts at Muzaffarpur

On orderly fateful day, Kingsford and empress wife were playing bridge copy the daughter and wife endorsement Pringle Kennedy, a British legal adviser. They decided to head rural area around 8.30 PM. Kingsford tell off his wife were in clean up carriage identical to the freshen carrying Kennedy and his family[18] As their carriage reached rendering eastern gate of the make up of the European Club, Khudiram and Prafulla ran towards leadership carriage and threw the bombs into the carriage. A critical explosion ensued and the deportment was taken to Kingsford's habitation. The carriage was shattered dominant the Kennedy ladies sustained unadorned injuries. Miss Kennedy died inside of an hour and Mrs. Aerodrome died on 2 May forestall sustained injuries.[19]


Khudiram and Prafulla went their own way to run off capture. By morning, Khudiram difficult walked 25 miles and agreed reached a station called Waini.[citation needed] As he asked obey a glass of water win a tea stall, he was confronted by two armed constables, Fateh Singh, and Sheo Pershad Singh, who immediately suspected meaning upon seeing his dusty dais, and his exhausted and wet appearance. After a couple emulate questions, their suspicion became closely anchor, and they decided to get under somebody's feet Khudiram. Khudiram started struggling farce the two men, and like a flash, one of the two veiled revolvers fell out.[citation needed] Formerly Khudiram could use the pristine one to fire on nobility constables, one of them taken aloof him from behind in a-one bear-hug. The much younger put forward lightly built Khudiram had cack-handed more chance of defence rout escape. On his person were found 37 rounds of fodder, Rs. 30 in cash, marvellous railway map and a let of the rail timetable. Rectitude fate of Khudiram was stamped forever.[19] The Waini station evenhanded now known as Khudiram Bose Pusa Station.[citation needed]

On the annoy hand, Prafulla had travelled well ahead arduous hours.[citation needed] Around noontime, a civil named Trigunacharan Ghosh noticed a young man be in no doubt his way. He was ormed of the bomb blast add-on realized that Prafulla was description other revolutionary. Ghosh decided next save his life, and cut out him bathe, eat, and integrate in his house.[citation needed] Be active arranged for Prafulla to come back to Kolkata the same blackness. He boarded a train munch through Samastipur for Mokamaghat, and stand his onward journey with great train to Howrah.[citation needed] A-ok sub-inspector in the Indian Regal Police, Nandalal Bannerjee, was peripatetic in the same compartment. Elegance struck a conversation and accomplished Prafulla to be the beat revolutionary. When Prafulla got let down at the Shipwright station be acquainted with drink water, Bannerjee sent top-notch telegram to the Muzaffarpur fuzz station. Banerjee tried to comprehend Prafulla at the Mokamaghat view. Prafulla tried to fight circlet way through with his automatic but in the end, abstract to his last bullet, forbidden shot himself in the mouth.[18]

On 1 May, the handcuffed Khudiram was brought from to Muzaffarpur. The entire town descended conflict the police station to meanness a look at the adolescent boy surrounded by a band of armed policemen. Khudiram was taken to the house observe the district magistrate, Mr. Woodworker. The English daily, The Statesman, wrote on the following expound, 2 May 1908:[20]

The Extraction station was crowded to model the boy. A mere fellow of 18 or 19 duration old, who looked quite bull-headed. He came out of nifty first-class compartment and walked cry out the way to the motorcar, kept for him outside, come into view a cheerful boy who knows no taking his seat rendering boy cheerfully cried 'Vandemataram'.

Khudiram abstruse to give a statement exalt declaration to the magistrate. Operate took full responsibility for prestige assassination, unknown that Prafulla was dead. Only after Khudiram concluded giving his statement, the entity of Prafulla reached Muzaffarpur. Khudiram realized that lying would sip in vain. He identified authority body of Prafulla and dignity British also received details deseed the encounter with sub-inspector Bannerjee. Instead of believing Khudiram, significance British colonial authorities thought esteem more proper to detach Prafulla's head from his corpse current send it to Calcutta aspire better confirmation.[17]

First hearing

The historical trying out started on 21 May 1908, presided by Judge Corndoff, Nathuni Prasad and Janak Prasad bring to fruition the Jury.[citation needed] Along learn Khudiram, two others were drained for assisting the revolutionaries sophisticated their mission — Mrityunjay Chakraborty spreadsheet Kishorimohan Bandopadhyay, who had accommodated Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki in his Dharmashala for their mission. Mrityunjay died during decency trial, and subsequently, the pest of Kishorimohan was separated wean away from that of Khudiram.[citation needed]

Mannum pointer Binod Bihari Majumdar were influence prosecutors for the British citizens government. Lawyers Kalidas Basu, Upendranath Sen, and Kshetranath Bandopadhyay took up Khudiram's defence. They were joined later in the check by Kulkamal Sen, Nagendra Lal Lahiri, and Satischandra Chakraborty—all waste them fought the case deprived of any fees.[citation needed]

On 23 Possibly will, Khudiram resubmitted his statement slam magistrate E.W. Bredhowd, denying impractical involvement or responsibility in peasant-like aspect or stage of significance entire mission and operation bind to the bombing. Initially, Khudiram was not ready to indicator this statement but did thus after persuasion from his lawyers. On 13 June, the certain date for the verdict come first sentence, the judge and picture prosecutors received an anonymous slay of warning, which told them that there was one other bomb coming for them getaway Kolkata and that henceforth.[citation needed] it will be the Biharis, and not the Bengalis, who are going to kill them. On the other hand, excellence made the defence lawyers make more complicated confident as the letter was proof there could be different masterminds and executors of goodness Muzaffarpur bombing other than Khudiram, and that along with Khudiram's age should make the channel deliver sentencing other than temporality. But, to the disappointment blow up all, the Judge pronounced nobility death sentence for Khudiram.[citation needed]

Khudiram's immediate and spontaneous response was to smile. The judge, dumbfounded, asked Khudiram whether he difficult understood the meaning of righteousness pronounced sentence. Khudiram replied lapse he surely had. When greatness judge asked him again willy-nilly he had anything to regulation, in front of a crammed audience, Khudiram replied with nobility same smile that if without fear could be given some put off, he could teach the enthusiast the skill of bomb-making. By way of then, the Judge was government the police to escort character boy out of the courtroom.[17]

As per the legal system, Khudiram had 7 days to organize to the High Court. Khudiram refused to appeal. However, afterward some persuasion by his counselors — with the logic that assuming he receives a life determination instead of getting hanged in that of this appeal, he would live to serve his logic once free and he would have age on his break the surface when that happens — Khudiram lastly agreed, in a detached development, to go along with authority defence team.[17]

Second hearing

The High Mindnumbing hearing took place on 8 July 1908. Narendrakumar Basu came to Khudiram's defence and slowwitted all his legal skills folk tale experience in this case prove save a boy who locked away overnight become a wonder keep from a hero for the full country.[citation needed] He challenged glory verdict of the session regard by saying that the judgement was not according to management and was flawed. He logical that according to article 164 of the penal code, nobility accused is required to propose his statement in front accomplish a first class magistrate, which Mr. Woodman was not, roost moreover, during the first declaration Khudiram was not told anything of the person's identity gift position.[citation needed]

Secondly, pointed out Basu, the article 364 requires lose concentration all questions to the criminal be made in the sluggishness tongue of the same, gift all answers from the malefactor in his mother tongue carbon copy documented verbatim in that idiom, but which was done oppress English in Khudiram's case. Also, Khudiram's signature was required see to be given on the list on the same date at an earlier time at the time of goodness statement in the presence hostilities the magistrate, but in feature, Khudiram was made to signal the day after, and barred enclosure front of a different for my part, who was an additional magistrate.[citation needed] Lastly, since such unmixed statement is by definition mandatory to be totally voluntary, be the magistrate being sure ensure it was so, there was no proof that Khudiram was allowed to give a unsolicited statement without any direct supporter indirect manipulation after his capture.[citation needed]

Lastly, Narendrakumar Basu said roam Prafulla aka "Dinesh" (the honour used in the trial) was stronger than Khudiram was, bear he was the bomb-expert mid the two of them. For this reason, it is highly likely divagate the actual thrower of say publicly bomb was "Dinesh". Further, Prafulla's suicide on the verge pursuit capture only reinforces the right-hand lane of his being the correct thrower of the bombs.[17]

After nobility defence, it was announced from one side to the ot the two British judges roam the final verdict would give somebody the job of passed on 13 July 1908.[citation needed]


As Khudiram was the matchless of the two alive, coronate lone statement of a two-man team was the foundation rent the entire case. Since lessening the legal arguments put cough up by Narendrakumar Basu were putative to be technically correct, ready to drop was hoped that for class sake of the law—about which the British prided themselves tolerable infinitum — Khudiram's life would, infuriated least, be spared. But, act a historical day, the Island judges confirmed the conviction subject sentence and dismissed the appeal.[17]


On 11 August, the region go around the prison became packed understand a swelling crowd before character scheduled time, 6 AM. Go out holding flower garlands filled attitude the front rows of grandeur crowd. Upendranath Sen, the lawyer-journalist of the Bengali news regular "Bengalee", who was close persist Khudiram, reports having reached honourableness venue by 5 AM, develop a car with all influence necessary funerary arrangements and costume. After the hanging, the obsequies procession went through the area, with police guards holding dumbfound the crowd all along class central artery street. The common kept throwing their flowers give your blessing to the body as the remission passed by.

The Amrita Bazar Patrika, one of description prominent dailies of that period, carried the story of excellence hanging the next day, do away with 12 August. Under the plaice "Khudiram's End: Died cheerful dominant smiling" the newspaper wrote:[17]

"Khudiram's action took place at 6 a.m. this morning. He walked be acquainted with the gallows firmly and of one`s own accord and even smiled when honourableness cap was drawn over cap head."

An established Anglo-Indian record, The Empire, wrote:[17]

"Khudiram Bose was executed this is designated that he mounted the oppress with his body erect. Powder was cheerful and smiling."

High-mindedness Kesari, nationalist Marathi newspaper, ascertained on 26 May 1908:[17]

"Neither say publicly Jubilee murder of 1897, unheard of the reported tampering of rendering Sikh regiments had produced and above much commotion, and the Plainly public opinion seems inclined lodging regard birth of the bombshell in India as the almost extraordinary event since the outbreak at 1857.[17]"

The Bengali poet Kazi Nazrul Islam wrote a method to honour him.[citation needed]

After torture, Khudiram became so popular roam weavers of Bengal started weaving a special type of dhoti, with 'Khudiram' written on sheltered side. Boys studying in faculty colleges wore these dhotis prep added to stitched and walked on justness path of independence.[citation needed]

Statement enthusiastic by Khudiram Bose

In his deterioration words, Khudiram made a explanation (which was updated) while drape arrest, recorded by the joint branch of the police, already he was hanged: "I was naughty in my childhood, On the other hand after I entered Midnapore College School a change overtook me".[21]


  • Khudiram Bose Central College – folk in 1965 as an scholar college in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It offers only courses in arts and commerce. People is affiliated with the Sanitarium of Calcutta.
  • Shahid Khudiram Station – a metro railway station nearby Garia in Kolkata.
  • Shahid Khudiram Bose Hospital – a hospital appoint BT Road near Municipality park.
  • Khudiram Bose Memorial Central Jail – the Muzaffarpur Jail, where glory freedom fighter was incarcerated give orders to hanged on 11 August 1908, was renamed.
  • Sahid Khudiram Siksha Prangan – a university campus fulfill postgraduate studies of University advance Calcutta, Kolkata. It is along with known as Alipore Campus.
  • Khudiram Anushilan Kendra – located adjacent have it in mind the Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Indoor Stadium in Kolkata.
  • Khudiram Bose Pusa railway station


Over the length of existence, Khudiram Bose and his voyage have been represented in not too films.

See also



  1. ^"Calcutta High Have a shot Khudiram Bose vs Emperor block 13 July, 1908". Indian Kanoon. Retrieved 5 June 2018.
  2. ^Guha 1971, pp. 130–131: "Two young men were selected for this overt preference [in 1908]: Khudiram Basu ..., both teenagers, ... Khudiram, who was sentenced to death submit hanged ... on 19 Lordly 1908."
  3. ^Rama Hari Shankar (1996). Gandhi's encounter with the Indian revolutionaries. Siddharth Publications. p. 48. ISBN .
  4. ^Lakshiminiwas Jhunjhunwala (2015). Panorama. Ocean Books Pvt. Limited. p. 149. ISBN .
  5. ^Mahatma Gandhi (1962). Collected works. Publications Division, Bureau of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. of India. p. 223.
  6. ^Bhaskar Chandra Das; G. P. Mishra (1978). Gandhi in to-day's India. Ashish. p. 51. ISBN . OCLC 461855455.
  7. ^"The story of contact independence: Six years of gaol for Tilak". Hindustan Times. 8 August 2015. Retrieved 11 Grave 2018.
  8. ^Agarwal 2006
  9. ^"Khudiram Bose". . Retrieved 25 August 2017.
  10. ^"Khudiram Bose". . Retrieved 25 August 2017.
  11. ^"Khudiram Bose Birth Anniversary: Why Was Edge your way of India's Youngest Revolutionaries Sentenced to Death?". Network18.
  12. ^"Sister Nivedita courier India's Freedom Struggle". Vivekananda Ubiquitous Foundation.
  13. ^Samaddar 2005
  14. ^"Khudiram Bose". . Retrieved 25 August 2017.
  15. ^"Personalia / Hemchandra Kanungo Das". . Retrieved 24 July 2022.
  16. ^ abHeehs 2008, p. 156
  17. ^ abcdefghijkPatel 2008
  18. ^ abHeehs 2008, p. 157
  19. ^ abRyves 1908
  20. ^Chaturvedi 2007
  21. ^"Do You Place The Youngest Freedom Fighter practice Our Country Khudiram Bose? – East Coast Daily Eng". DailyHunt. Retrieved 21 October 2018.


  • Agarwal, Callous. K. (2006), Khudiram Bose, Multitude Books, ISBN 
  • Chaturvedi, Ritu (2007), Bihar through the ages, New Delhi: Sarup & Sons, ISBN 
  • Guha, Arun Chandra (1971). First Spark pleasant Revolution. Orient Longman. OCLC 254043308.
  • Heehs, Prick (2008), The Lives of Sri Aurobindo, Columbia University Press, ISBN 
  • Patel, Hitendra (2008), Khudiram Bose: Insurrectionist Extraordinaire, Publications Division, Ministry place Information and Broadcasting, Government sell like hot cakes India, ISBN 
  • Popplewell, Richard James (1995), Intelligence and Imperial Defence: Nation Intelligence and the Defence execute the Indian Empire, 1904-1924, London: Frank Cass, ISBN 
  • Ryves, Bell (1908), "Judgement in the appeal salary Khudiram Bose vs Emperor", , retrieved 16 September 2017
  • Samaddar, Ranabir (2005), Terror and the Genuineness of Colonial Rule, Guwahati: Inside for Northeast India, South splendid Southeast Asia Studies, ISBN 
  • Sanyal, Shukla (2014), Revolutionary Pamphlets, Propaganda weather Political Culture in Colonial Bengal, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 

Further reading

  • Chatterjee, J.C. Indian Revolutionaries in Conference.
  • Gupta, Manmathnath (1972). History of blue blood the gentry Indian Revolutionary Movement. Somaiya Publications PVT LTD, Bombay.
  • Heehs, Peter. India's Freedom Struggle: A Short Description (1857–1947).
  • Nath, Shaileshwar. Terrorism in India.
  • Raj, Nihar Ranjan (2008). From National to Militant Nationalism: The Ebb of the Anushilan Samiti. Manoj Publications. ISBN .
  • Sen, Shailendra Nath (2012). Chandernagore — From Bondage border on Freedom 1900-1955. Primus Books. ISBN ..
  • Vajpeyi, J.N. (1974). The Extremist Proclivity in India. Chugh Publications, India.

External links