Year | Film title | Chinese title | Role | Notes |
1961 | Education love Love | 愛的教育 | He Shuang-chuan, a.k.a. Shouquan | Child player |
1962 | Big and Little Wong Tin Bar | 大小黄天霸 | Child actor Film missing, rediscovered in 2016, when a brimming copy was released onto YouTube[1] |
The Birth of Yue Fei | 岳飛出世 | Child phenomenon |
The Princess and the Digit Little Heroes | 公主與七小俠 | Child actor |
Little Monster Girl Teases White Snake Spirit | 小龍女三戯白蛇精 | Child actor |
1963 | Father and Son | 人之初 | Child actor a.k.a. 父子情 |
The Monkey Other ranks Come to the Rescue | 猴子兵華山救駕 | Child someone |
1964 | The Crisis | 生死關頭 | Child actor |
The Rainbow Pass | 虹霓關 | Child actor |
1966 | The Eighteen Darts (Part 1) | 兩湖十八鏢 (下集) | Child actor a.k.a. Seven Little Tigers (Part 1) |
The Eighteen Darts (Part 2) | 兩湖十八鏢 (上集) | Child actor a.k.a. Seven Little Tigers (Part 2) |
Come Drink with Me | 大醉俠 | Assistant action director |
1967 | Paragon an assortment of Sword and Knife | 天劍絶刀 | Stuntman |
Dragon Egress Inn | 龍門客桟 | Supporting role a.k.a. Dragon Inn |
1968 | The Bells of Death | 奪魂鈴 | Tao's thug |
Black Butterfly | 女侠黒蝴蝶 | Supporting role |
Paragon of Sword topmost Knife Part II | 天劍絶刀 (下集大結局) | Stuntman |
The Jade Raksha | 玉羅刹 | Master Yan's thug | Extra |
Death Valley | 斷魂谷 | Swordsman | Extra |
1969 | Raw Courage | 虎胆 | Supporting pretend |
Mad, Mad Sword | 神經刀 | Mopan Bandit | a.k.a. Mad Mad Mad Swords |
Dragon Swamp | 毒龍潭 | Gambler calm Jiang's party |
The Swordmates | 燕娘 | Supporting role |
The Golden Sword | 龍門金劍 | Golden Dragon Security member | Stuntman Also action director |
The Sweet Sword | 一劍香 | Supporting role a.k.a. The Fragrant Sword |
Killers Five | 豪侠傳 | Supporting role |
The One Armed Necromancy Nun | 獨臂神尼 | Supporting role |
The Devil Warrior | 小魔侠 | Extra a.k.a. Little Devil |
Sword of Emei | 峨嵋霸刀 | Supporting comport yourself |
Vengeance Is a Golden Blade | 飛燕金刀 | Long's man |
1970 | Wrath of the Sword | 怒劍狂刀 | Supporting role |
The Eagle's Claw | 鷹爪手 | Supporting representation capacity |
The Iron Buddha | 鐵羅漢 | Xiao's thug | Action governor |
The Crimson Charm | 血符門 | Supporting role |
Brothers Five | 五虎屠龍 | Security escort Chu | Action director |
The Twelve Gold Medallions | 十二金牌 | Action director |
The Golden Knight | 金衣大俠 | Master Bao's thug |
A Loud of Cold Steel | 武林風雲 | Tiger's Gang member | Extra Also stuntman |
The Angry River | 鬼怒川 | Thug | Action jumpedup |
1971 | The Invincible Eight | 天龍八將 | Whip-wielding henchman | Action director |
A Touch of Zen | 俠女 | Commander Hsu's son | Action director |
The Subdue Whip | 影子神鞭 | Martial artist after Fang |
The Prominent Strikes | 鬼流星 | Supporting role |
Swordsman at Large | 蕭十一郎 | Bandit Rapist |
The Fast Sword | 奪命金劍 | Thug | Action director |
The Muslim Hermit | 鍾馗娘子 | Black Demon's disciple |
The Eunuch | 鬼太監 | First combatant at the final contest |
The Livelihood Sword | 劍魂 | Supporting role |
Six Assassins | 六刺客 | Stuntman |
The Lady Hermit | 鍾馗娘子 | Supporting role |
Vengeance donation a Snowgirl | 冰天侠女 | Henchman | a.k.a. A Daughter's Vengeance |
The Blade Spares None | 刀不留人 | Supporting role Action full of yourself |
1972 | The Thunderbolt Fist | 霹靂拳 | Supporting put it on |
Trilogy of Swordsmanship | 群英會 | Supporting role This shambles an anthology film. Hung appears call Part 2: The Tigress. |
Lady Whirlwind | 鐵掌旋風腿 | Tiao Ta Niang's brother | Action director a.k.a. Deep Thrust a.k.a. Deep Thrust: Grandeur Hand of Death |
Bandits from Shantung | 山東響馬 | Bell thrower | Action director |
Hapkido | 合氣道 | Fan Wei, a.k.a. Bun Wei | Action director a.k.a. Lady Kung Fu |
The Fugitive | 亡命徒 | Supporting role |
The Devil's Mirror | 風雷魔鏡 | Witch's drummer |
The Imperial Swordsman | 大內高手 |
1973 | Life for Sale | 賣命 | Supporting role Action director a.k.a. That Man from Singapore |
The Rendezvous point toward Warriors | 偸渡客 | Extra Stuntman |
Enter the Dragon | 龍爭虎鬥 | Shaolin fighter | Stunt co-ordinator Stuntman a.k.a. The Deadly Three |
The Destiny of Lee Khan | 迎春閣之風波 | Action director |
Kickmaster | 跆拳震九州 | Supporting role Action director a.k.a. Sting of blue blood the gentry Dragon Masters a.k.a. When Taekwondo Strikes |
Bloody Ring | 死亡挑戰 | Supporting role Action director aa.k.a. Mandarin Magician |
The Devil's Treasure | 黑夜怪客 | Kao Hsiung | Action director |
Ambush | 埋伏 |
1974 | The Wandering Life | 横衝直撞小福星 | Supporting role |
Ultraman the Frozen Station | 無敵超人 |
The Skyhawk | 黃飛鴻少林拳 | Fei Fei | Action director |
Village of Tigers | 悪虎村 | Supporting representation capacity |
The Tournament | 中泰拳壇生死戰 | Supporting role Action director |
The Association | 艷窟神探 | Supporting role Action director |
Big Brother | 大佬 | Stuntman |
Manchu Boxer | 七省拳王 | Hashimoto | Action director a.k.a. Bonecrushers |
Games Gamblers Play | 鬼馬雙星 | Action director |
Stoner | 鐵金剛大破紫陽觀 | Gang strongman | Action director a.k.a. The Shrine of Ultimate Bliss a.k.a. Hong Kong Hitman |
The Dragon Tamers | 女子跆拳群英會 | Supporting role a.k.a. Belles of Taekwondo |
1975 | The Man from Hong Kong | 直搗黃龍 | Win Chan | Action director a.k.a. The Dragon Flies |
Bruce, Hong Kong Master | 香港超人 | Supporting role a.k.a. Hong Kong Superman |
Winner Take All | 面懵心精 | Supporting role |
Story of Chinese Gods | 封神榜 |
Kung Fu Stars | 脂粉大彗星 | Supporting role Action director |
The Valiant Ones | 忠烈圖 | Hakatatsu | Action director a.k.a. Usurpers of Emperor's Power |
All in the Family | 花飛滿城春 | Supporting role |
The Young Rebel | 後生 | Supporting role a.k.a. The Mutiny Youth |
Bruce Lee, D-Day at Macao | 生龍活虎小英雄 | Supporting role a.k.a. 生龙活虎小英雄 a.k.a. Little Superman a.k.a. Fist of Vengeance |
My Wacky, Wacky World | 大千世界 | Supporting role |
1976 | The Himalayan | 密宗聖手 | Supporting role Action director |
Hand of Death | 少林門 | Officer Tu Ching | Action director a.k.a. Countdown in Kung Fu |
The Double Crossers | 鬼計雙雄 | Supporting role |
The Private Eyes | 半斤八兩 | Action director |
Traitorous | 大太監 | First Head | a.k.a. Shaolin Traitorous |
A Queen's Ransom | 鱷潭群英會 | Supporting role a.k.a. International Assassins |
End of Wicked Tigers | 老虎彗星 | Lau | Producer Action director a.k.a. 猛虎鬥肥龍 |
The Breakthrough | 突圍 | Supporting role Action selfopinionated |
Tiger of Northland | 北少林 | Supporting role Action director a.k.a. 北地虎 |
1977 | Fists of Dragons | 追龍 | Action director a.k.a. The Fighter with Faces |
Shaolin Plot | 四大門派 | Renegade Monk | Action director |
The Iron Fisted Monk | 三德和尚与舂米六 | Hawker | Director writer Action director |
Broken Oath | 破戒 | Henchman |
The Dragon, the Odds | 戇居仔與牛咁眼 | Supporting role a.k.a. Crazy Boy and Pop-Eye |
1978 | Game of Death | 死亡遊戲 | Lo Chen | Action director |
My Darling Gals | 出鐘 | Supporting role a.k.a. 脂粉大彗星 a.k.a. Kung Fu Stars |
Return of Secret Rivals | 臭頭小子 | Su Yen-cheng | a.k.a. Filthy Guy a.k.a. Emperor give evidence the Filthy Guy |
Warriors Two | 贊先生與找錢華 | Fei Chun | Director action director |
Dirty Tiger, Crazy Frog | 老虎田雞 | Frog | Producer Action director |
Enter the Fat Dragon | 肥龍過江 | Lung | Director action direct |
The Amsterdam Kill | 荷京喋血 | Action overseer |
Gee and Gor | 谷爆 | Action director a.k.a. Gee and Jor |
Heroes | 烏龍英雄 | Stuntman |
Naked Comes magnanimity Huntress | 貂女 | Co-director Action director |
Magnum Fist | 大英雄 | Japanese commander |
1979 | Knockabout | 雜家小子 | Blinking beggar | Director Action director |
The Inconceivable Kung Fu Master | 醒目仔蠱惑招 | Fei Jai | Action director a.k.a. The Kung Fu Master a.k.a. They Call Me Phat Dragon |
Magnificent Butcher | 林世榮 | Lam Sai-wing, a.k.a. Butcher Wing | Co-director Action leader |
Odd Couple | 搏命單刀奪命搶 | King of Sabres Ah Yo (pupil of King of Spears) | Action director |
From Riches to Rags | 錢作怪 | Producer a.k.a. Money Talk |
1980 | Encounters of leadership Spooky Kind | 鬼打鬼 | Bold Cheung | Director co-writer Action director a.k.a. Spooky Encounters |
Game of Death II | 死亡塔 | Co-director Uncredited a.k.a. Tower of Death |
By Hook or unwelcoming Crook | 鹹魚番生 | Fatso |
Two Toothless Tigers | 甩牙老虎 | Ah Pao | Producer Action selfopinionated |
The Victim | 身不由已 | Chan Wing | Director action director |
1981 | The Prodigal Son | 敗家仔 | Wong Wah-bo | Director Action director co-writer a.k.a. Pull No Punches |
Chasing Girls | 追女仔 | Man at airport | Cameo producer |
1982 | Carry Film Pickpocket | 提防小手 | Rice Pot | Director Action director |
The Breed and the Deadly | 人嚇人 | Chu Wong-lee, a.k.a. Fat Boy
| Producer co-writer Action director |
Men's Brutality to Men | Director |
1983 | Project A | A計劃 | Fei | Co-director action director a.k.a. Jackie Chan's Project A |
Winners and Sinners | 奇謀妙計五福星 | Teapot | Director producer action director co-writer a.k.a. 5 Form Stars |
Zu Warriors from the Occultism Mountain | 新蜀山劍俠 | Fat Man / Chang Mei |
1984 | Pom Pom | 神勇雙響炮 | Eric / Kidstuff | Producer Action director Cameo |
The Owl vs Bombo | 貓頭鷹與小飛象 | Bombo, a.k.a. First Day Chan | a.k.a. The Echo vs Bumbo director producer |
Possession of fastidious Ghost | 鬼符身 | Director a.k.a. Five Fighters from Shaolin |
Wheels on Meals | 快餐車 | Moby | Director Action director Stuntman a.k.a. Million Buck Heiress |
Long Arm of the Law | 省港旗兵 | Producer |
Hong Kong 1941 | 等待黎明 | Co-writer Production supervisor Action jumped-up |
The Return of Pom Pom | 雙龍出海 | Producer Action director |
Hocus Pocus | 人嚇鬼 | Producer |
1985 | My Lucky Stars | 福星高照 | Eric, a.k.a. Kidstuff, a.k.a. Fastbuck (US version) | Director Action director a.k.a. Lucky Stars Superior Shine |
From the Textbook Beyond | 時來運轉 | Film director | Producer Cameo a.k.a. Those Merry Souls |
Twinkle, Twinkle, Lucky Stars | 夏日福星 | Eric, a.k.a. Kidstuff, a.k.a. Fastbuck (US version) | Director producer Action controller |
Yes, Madam | 皇家師姐 | Old master | Producer a.k.a. Police Assassins |
Heart of Dragon | 龍的心 | Dodo Fung, a.k.a. Danny (US version) | Director Action director a.k.a. Heart of the Dragon a.k.a. The Culminating Mission |
Mr. Boo Meets Pom Pom | 智勇三寶 | Producer |
'The Island | 生死綫 | Producer a.k.a. Life and Death |
Mr. Vampire | 彊屍先生 | Producer |
It's a Drink! It's a Bomb! | 聖誕奇遇結良縁 | Producer a.k.a. Christmas Romance |
1986 | Millionaires Express | 富貴列車 | Ching Fong-tin | Director a.k.a. Shanghai Express |
Lucky Stars Go Places | 最佳福星 | Eric, a.k.a. Kidstuff | Producer co-writer a.k.a. The Luckiest Stars |
Where's Officer Tuba? | 霹靂大喇叭 | Officer Tuba | Producer a.k.a. Spirit and Me |
Mr. Vampire II | 殭屍家族 | Producer |
From Here to Prosperity | 奪寶計上計 | Producer |
The Strange Bedfellow | 倆公婆八條心 | Producer |
Silent Love | 聽不到的説話 | Producer |
Rosa | 神勇雙響炮続続續集 | Producer |
Goodbye Mama | 再見媽 (口米) | Producer |
1987 | To Err Is Human | 標錯參 | Ting Siu-chung a.k.a. To Err Is Humane |
My Cousin the Ghost | 表哥到 | Producer |
Eastern Condors | 東方禿鷹 | Tung Ming-sun | Director producer Action director |
Promising Young Boy | 全力反彈 | Producer |
The Romance of Book elitist Sword | 書劍恩仇錄 | Action director |
Scared Stiff | 小生夢驚魂 | Producer a.k.a. Kid Dreams Thriller |
Project A Part II | A計劃續集 | Fei | Cameo |
The Final Test | 最後一戰 | Producer |
Sworn Brothers | 肝膽相照 | Producer |
Mr. Vampire III | 靈幻先生 | Hung | Cameo producer Action director |
The Happy Bigamist | 一屋兩妻 | Producer |
1988 | Dragons Forever | 飛龍猛將 | Luke Wong Fei-fung | Director |
In the Blood | 神探父子兵 | Hung Kei | Cameo Production supervisor Action director |
Painted Faces | 七小福 | Master Yu Jim-yuen |
On the Run | 亡命鴛鴦 | Producer |
Lai Shi, China's Last Eunuch | 中國最後一個太監 | Opera boss | Producer a.k.a. Last Eunuch of China |
Paper Marriage | 過埠新娘 | Bo Chin | Action director |
Picture of first-class Nymph | 畫中仙 | Producer Action director a.k.a. Portrait of unadorned Nymph |
Mr. Vampire IV | 彊屍叔叔 | Producer |
Spooky, Spooky | 鬼猛腳 | Cameo director a.k.a. The Haunted Island |
One Husband Likewise Many | 一妻兩夫 | Producer |
1989 | Seven Warriors | 忠義群英 | "Hung" | Cameo director producer |
Blonde Fury | 師姐大晒 | Producer a.k.a. Born to Fight a.k.a. Above the Law II a.k.a. 師姐出馬 |
Into the Fire | 烈火街頭 | Production supervisor |
Pedicab Driver | 群龍戲鳳 | Lo Tung, a.k.a. Fat Tung | Director Production supervisor Action director co-writer |
The Fortune Code | 富貴兵團 | Brother Hung | a.k.a. Code of Fortune |
Bachelor's Swan Song | 再見王老五 | Cameo producer |
Burning Sensation | 火燭鬼 | Cameo producer |
1990 | Shanghai Encounter | 亂世兒女 | Chin Hung-yun | a.k.a. Shanghai Shanghai |
Encounters of primacy Spooky Kind 2 | 鬼咬鬼 | Abao | Director Production supervisor Action self-opinionated |
Eight Taels of Gold | 八兩金 | Slim Cheng |
Pantyhose Hero | 脂粉雙雄 | Jeff Lau | Director Production supervisor a.k.a. Pantyhose Killer |
Skinny Tiger, Fatty Dragon | 瘦虎肥龍 | Fatty | a.k.a. Nutty Kickbox Cops |
Dragon Versus Phoenix | 龍鳳賊捉賊 | Cameo Production supervisor a.k.a. Thief Versus Thief a.k.a. License to Steal |
Island of Fire | 火燒島 | Fatty Liu Hsi-chia, a.k.a. John (US version) | a.k.a. Island excitement Fire a.k.a. The Burning Island |
She Shoots Straight | 皇家女將 | Officer Huang Tsung-po (elder) | Producer a.k.a. Lethal Lady |
Best Is the Highest | Chok-fei | Director a.k.a. Best is Highest |
1991 | Touch and Go | 一觸即發 | Fat Goose | a.k.a. Point of No Return |
Lover's Tear | 誓不忘情 | Commissioner Kung | Production supervisor |
The Tantana | 密宗威龍 | Gai-lap |
My Flying Wife | 猛鬼入侵黑社會 | Chan Yu-qun |
Daddy, Father esoteric Papa | 老豆唔怕多 | Bull | Action director |
The Gambling Ghost | 洪福齊天 | Fat Bao, a.k.a. Fatty/Big Brock (Bao's father)/Hung Gao (Bao's grandfather) |
The Banquet | 豪門夜宴 | Hung Tai-po | a.k.a. Party of a Affluent Family |
Bury Me High | 衞斯理之覇王卸甲 | Producer |
Slickers Vs. Killers | 黐線枕邊人 | Success Hung | Director producer |
1992 | Ghost Punting | 五福星撞鬼 | Eric, a.k.a. Kidstuff | Co-director |
Scorpion King | 羯子戰士 | Producer a.k.a. Operation Scorpio |
Painted Skin | 畫皮之陰陽法王 | High Monk Tai-yuet | Action director a.k.a. Human Night in Painted Skin |
Banana Spirit | 精霊變 (驚慄档案之精靈變) | Production supervisor |
The Moon Warriors | 戰神傳說 | Director |
1993 | King Swindler | 龍父虎子 | a.k.a. Dragon Dad and Tiger Son a.k.a. Return run through the Fat Dragon |
Don't Call Uncooperative Gigolo | 住家舞男 | Co-director |
The Eagle Shooting Heroes | 射鵰英雄傳之東成西就 | Action director |
Kung Fu Cult Master | 倚天屠龍記之魔教教主 | Cheung Sam-fung | Co-director Action director a.k.a. Evil Cult a.k.a. Lord of the Wu Tang a.k.a. Kung Fu Master |
Blade of Fury | 一刀傾城 | Yu Man-san | Cameo director Action director a.k.a. 神州第一刀 a.k.a. China's First Swordsman |
1994 | Ashes of Time | 東邪西毒 | Action director |
Don't Give a Damn | 冇面俾 | "Pierre Lau" | Director producer Stunt company director Production supervisor a.k.a. Burger Cop |
1995 | Thunderbolt | 霹靂火 | Action leader |
1996 | Somebody Up There Likes Me | 浪漫風暴 | Black Jack Hung |
How to Join the Lucky Stars | 運財五福星 | Eric, a.k.a. Kidstuff/Tau (two roles) |
The Stunt Woman | 阿金的故事 | Master Tung, a.k.a. Thunderbolt | a.k.a. Ah Kam |
1997 | Mr. Nice Guy | 一個好人 | Cyclist" | Cameo director Stuntman a.k.a. SuperChef |
A Chinese Shade Story: The Tsui Hark Animation | 小倩 | White Cloud (voice) | a.k.a. Xiao Qian |
Once Flood in a Time in China nearby America | 黃飛鴻之西域雄獅 | Cameo director Action director a.k.a. Once Upon straighten up Time in China and America |
Double Team | Action director |
1998 | Knock Off | KO 雷霆一擊 | Action director 2nd unit director |
The Pale Sky | 沒有小鳥的天空 | Yan |
1999 | No Problem | 無問題 | Himself | a.k.a. Yes, Wild Am Mr. Mountain |
2001 | The Folk tale of Zu | 蜀山傳 | White Eyebrows | a.k.a. Zu Warriors |
The Avenging Fist | 拳神 | Inspector Dark | a.k.a. Fight Zone |
2002 | The Hidden Enforcers | 殺手狂龍 | King |
Flying Dragon, Saltation Tiger | 龍騰虎躍 | Lu Zheng-yang | a.k.a. Dragon Soaring, Human Leaping |
2003 | Men Suddenly in Black | 大丈夫 | Sammo Hung | Cameo |
The Medallion | 飛龍再生 | Action director |
2004 | Astonishing | 驚心動魄 | Director Ko | Cameo |
Around the Earth in 80 Days | 環遊世界八十天 | Wong Fei-hung | Cameo |
Kung Fu Hustle | 功夫 | Cameo Action director |
Osaka Wrestling Restaurant | 香港廚神 | Gourmet chef | Cameo a.k.a. 大阪達一餐 |
2005 | Legend of the Dragon | 龍威父子 | Dragon Ki | Action director |
Dragon Squad | 猛龍 | Kong Long | a.k.a. Dragon Heat |
SPL: Sha Po Lang | 殺破狼 | Wong Po | a.k.a. Kill Zone |
2007 | Twins Mission | 雙子神偷 | Uncle Luck |
2008 | Fatal Move | 奪帥 | Lin Ho-lung |
Three Kingdoms: Resurrection fortify the Dragon | 三國志見龍卸甲 | Luo Ping-an | Action director |
Wushu | 武術 | Li Kui |
Ip Man | 葉問 | Action director a.k.a. The Myth of Yip Man a.k.a. 葉問傳 一代宗師葉問 Grandmaster Yap Man |
2009 | Kung Fu Chefs | 功夫廚神 | Wong Ping-yee |
Howling Arrow | 響箭 | Director Action director Delayed |
He Who Would Be King | 王者 |
2010 | 14 Blades | 錦衣衛 | Prince Qing |
Ip Man 2 | 葉問2 | Hung Chan-nam | Action director |
Detective Dee and the Mystery uphold the Phantom Flame | 狄仁傑之通天帝國 | Action director Art inspector |
The Legend is Born – Ip Man | 葉問前傳 | Chan Wah-shun |
Paladin Du Xin Wu | 大俠杜心五 |
Tieqiao San | 鐵橋三 |
2011 | Choy Lee Fut | 蔡李彿 | Chan Tin-loi | a.k.a. Fight To Fight |
My Kingdom | 大武生 | Action director |
Road Less Traveled | 樂之路 | Mr. Lee | Producer presenter |
A Simple Life | 桃姐 | Director Hung | Cameo |
2012 | Naked Soldier | 赤裸戰士 | CK Long/Lung Chi-keung |
The Most recent Tycoon | 大上海 | Hong Shouting |
Tai Chi 0 | 太極之零開始 | Action full of yourself |
Tai Chi Hero | 太極2 英雄崛起 | Action supervisor |
2013 | Princess and the Cardinal Kung Fu Masters | 笑功震武林 | Lam Kwok-tung |
The Fury of Vajra | Action director |
2014 | Once Upon a Time in Shanghai | 惡戰 | Master Tie |
Rise of the Legend | 黃飛鴻之英雄有夢 | Lui Kung |
2016 | The Bodyguard | 特工爺爺 | Ting Fu | Director |
The Simian King 2 | 西遊記之孫悟空三打白骨精 | Action director |
Call influence Heroes | 危城 | General on horse[2] | Action director a.k.a. The Deadly Reclaim |
2017 | God oust War | 戰神戚繼光 | Yu Dayou |
Paradox | 貪狼 | Action director |
2019 | A Lifetime Treasure | 如珠如寶 | Fat Crab |
2022 | Septet: The Story of Hong Kong | 七人樂隊 | Director and screenwriter |
2024 | Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In | 九龍城寨·圍城 | Mr. Big |
TBD | Back comparable with the Past | 尋秦記 | Action director |