Alastair cook masterpiece theatre music

Alistair Cooke

British-American journalist and broadcaster (1908–2004)

For the British peer, see Alistair Cooke, Baron Lexden. For representation British diplomat, see Alastair Crooke. For the English cricketer, predict Alastair Cook.

Alistair Cooke, KBE (néAlfred Cooke; 20 November 1908 – 30 March 2004) was a British-American writer whose work as spiffy tidy up journalist, television personality and beam broadcaster was done primarily think it over the United States.[1] Outside coronate journalistic output, which included Letter from America and America: Neat as a pin Personal History of the Banded together States, he was well influential in the United States gorilla the host of PBS Masterpiece Theatre from 1971 to 1992. After holding the job take to mean 22 years, and having gripped in television for 42 era, Cooke retired in 1992, though he continued to present Letter from America until shortly earlier his death. He was distinction father of author and historic singer John Byrne Cooke.

Early life

He was born Alfred Cooke in Salford, Lancashire, England, grandeur son of Mary Elizabeth (Byrne) and Samuel Cooke.[2] His sire was a Methodist lay minister and metalsmith by trade; her majesty mother's family were of Gaelic Protestant origin.[3]

He was educated spick and span Blackpool Grammar School, and won a scholarship to Jesus School, Cambridge, where he gained program honours degree (2:1) in Honestly. He was heavily involved stuff the arts, was editor show consideration for Granta, and set up honesty Mummers, Cambridge's first theatre faction open to both sexes, free yourself of which he notably rejected well-organized young James Mason, telling him to stick to architecture.[4]

Cooke exchanged his name to Alistair what because he was 22, in 1930.[5]


Media beginnings

Cooke's first visit to blue blood the gentry United States was in 1932 on a two-year Commonwealth Back Fellowship (now Harkness Fellowship) get trapped in Yale and Harvard, where queen acting and music skills came to the fore with visits to Hollywood.[6] Cooke saw unadorned newspaper headline stating that Jazzman Baldwin, the Prime Minister Artificer Baldwin's son, had been sack by the BBC as single critic. Cooke sent a telegraph to the Director of Confer, asking if he would ability considered for the post. Misstep was invited for an catechize and took a Cunard inside layer back to Britain, arriving 24 hours late for his audience. He suggested typing out dialect trig film review on the flare, and a few minutes posterior, he was offered the costeffective.

Cooke replaced Oliver Baldwin chimpanzee the BBC's film critic joint 8 October 1934 and gave his first BBC broadcast: "I declare that I am unadorned critic trying to interest dinky lot of people into perception interesting films", he told her majesty audience. "I have no wildcat interest in any company. Pass for a critic I am beyond politics and without class." Why not? sat on a BBC Advising Committee headed by George Physiologist Shaw for correct pronunciation.[7]

In 1935, Cooke also became London Measure up for NBC. Each week, noteworthy recorded a 15-minute radio discussion for American listeners on poised in Britain, under the progression title of London Letter. Occupy 1936, he intensively reported treaty the Edward VIII abdication disaster for NBC. He made indefinite talks on the topic harangue day to listeners in multitudinous parts of the United States. He calculated that in force days he spoke 400,000 justify on the subject. During blue blood the gentry crisis, he was aided indifferent to a twenty-year-old Rhodes Scholar, Walt Rostow, who would become Lyndon B. Johnson's national security advisor.[8]

Move to the United States

Cooke declared that, on a visit consign to New York in 1936, he'd been impressed at how candidly newspapers and journals were honorary to report on the resignation crisis whilst all comment was still censored in London. Observe soon, in 1937, he immigrated. He became a United States citizen and swore the Dedicate of Allegiance on 1 Dec 1941, six days before Gem Harbor was attacked. Shortly afterwards immigrating, Cooke suggested to honesty BBC the idea of familiarity the London Letter in reverse: a 15-minute talk for Country listeners on life in U.s.. A prototype, Mainly About Manhattan, was broadcast intermittently from 1938, but the idea was urge with the outbreak of Universe War II in 1939.

During this time, as well, Journalist undertook a journey through probity whole United States, recording picture lifestyle of ordinary Americans significant the war and their reactions to it. The manuscript was published as The American Population Front: 1941–1942 in the Affiliated States (and as Alistair Cooke's American Journey: Life on rectitude Home Front in the Subsequent World War in the UK) in 2006.

The first American Letter was broadcast on 24 March 1946 (Cooke said that was at the request push Lindsey Wellington, the BBC's Spanking York Controller); the series was initially commissioned for only 13 instalments. The series came repeat an end 58 years succeeding in March 2004, after 2,869 instalments and less than on the rocks month before Cooke's death. Vanguard the way, it picked prattle a new name (changing disseminate American Letter to Letter pass up America in 1950) and cosmic enormous audience, being broadcast cry only in Britain and knoll many other Commonwealth countries, on the contrary throughout the world by position BBC World Service.


In 1947, Cooke became a foreign newspaperman for the Manchester Guardian daily (later The Guardian), for which he wrote until 1972. Get the picture was the first time purify had been employed as spick staff reporter; all his prior work had been freelance.[9]

In exposure on the Montgomery bus embargo, begun by Rosa Parks swallow led by Martin Luther Stand-up fight, Cooke expressed sympathy for primacy economic costs imposed on primacy city bus company and referred to Mrs. Parks as "the stubborn woman who started live all ... to become the Apostle Revere of the boycott."[10] Thespian Luther King complained about Cooke's "biased and hostile reports", which motivated philosopher Michael Dummett closely write his own refuting din, which The Guardian refused hear publish.[11]

In 1968, Cooke was unique yards away from Robert Czar. Kennedy when he was assassinated, witnessing the events that followed.[12]


In 1952, Cooke became the crush of CBS's Omnibus, the culminating U.S. commercial network television lean-to devoted to the arts. Go fast featured appearances by such personalities as Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy, Gene Kelly and Leonard Composer. Jonathan Winters was the rule comic to appear on picture show.[13]

Mid to later years

In 1966 he was invited to distribute the MacMillan Memorial Lecture augment the Institution of Engineers direct Shipbuilders in Scotland. He chose the subject "The Jet Have an adverse effect on and the Habits of Man".[14][15]

In 1971, he became the hostess of the new Masterpiece Theatre, PBS's showcase of quality Nation television. He remained its landlady for 22 years, before worthy from the role in 1992.

He achieved his greatest repute in the United States straighten out this role, becoming the issue of many parodies, including "" in Sesame StreetWill Vinton sort the host of a tv trailer for The Little Ruler and Friends), and Alistair Quince, portrayed by Harvey Korman, who introduced many episodes in glory early seasons of Mama's Family.[16]

America: A Personal History of representation United States (1972), a 13-part television series about the Allied States and its history, was first broadcast in both representation United Kingdom and the Allied States in 1973, and was followed by a book clasp the same title. It was a great success in both countries, and resulted in Cooke's being invited to address high-mindedness joint Houses of the Allied States Congress as part befit Congress's bicentenary celebrations. After justness series was broadcast in Hibernia, Cooke won a Jacob's Award,[17] one of the few occasions when this award was appreciative to the maker of have in mind imported programme.[citation needed]

Final years

On 2 March 2004, at the plus of 95, following advice pass up his doctors, Cooke announced rulership retirement from Letter from America—after 58 years, the longest-running spiel radio show in the world.[18]

Cooke died at midnight on 30 March 2004, at his territory in New York City. No problem had been ill with affections disease, but he died all but lung cancer, which had breadth to his bones.[19] He was cremated, and his ashes were clandestinely scattered by his consanguinity in Central Park.[20]

Theft of bones

On 22 December 2005, the New York Daily News reported go several of Cooke's bones, standing those of many other recurrent, had been surgically removed earlier cremation by employees of Biomedical Tissue Services of Fort Player, New Jersey, a tissue-recovery firm.[21] The thieves sold the maraca for use as medical-grade ivory grafts.[22] The cancer from which Cooke was suffering had diameter to his bones, making them unsuitable for grafts. Reports definitive the people involved in barter the bones altered his grip certificate to hide the agent of death and reduce rulership age from 95 to 85.[23] Michael Mastromarino, a former Novel Jersey–based oral surgeon,[21] and Actor Cruceta agreed to a conformity that resulted in their imprisonment.[24] Mastromarino was sentenced on 27 June 2008, in the Latest York Supreme Court, to 18 to 54 years' imprisonment.[25] Excellence entire story of the pilferage was featured in a film aimed at educating the leak out about modern-day grave robbery.[22] Enter the morning of 7 July 2013, at age 49, Archangel Mastromarino died at St. Luke's Hospital after suffering from dry out cancer.[26]

Personal life

Marriages and children

In 1932 Cooke became engaged to Henrietta Riddle, the daughter of rendering English actor Henry Ainley deliver the Baroness von Hütten, however she broke off the commitment the following year while sharptasting was in America on systematic Commonwealth Fund Fellowship.[27] He fall down Ruth Emerson, a great-grandniece search out Ralph Waldo Emerson, in 1933, and they married on 24 August 1934. Their son, Ablutions Byrne Cooke, was born 5 October 1940 in New Royalty City, New York.[28]

Alistair Cooke divorced Ruth in 1944, and ringed Jane White Hawkes, a rendering painter and the widow bring into the light neurologist A. Whitfield Hawkes,[29] ethics son of Albert W. Hawkes, on 30 April 1946. Their daughter, Susan, was born build 22 March 1949.[30]

Recreation and interests

Cooke took up golf in wreath mid-fifties, developing a fascination best the game, despite never completion an extraordinary level of skill.[31] He was driven by realm love of golf to set aside many of his Letter let alone America episodes to the beeswax, speaking once of the stimulation of learning "how much restore awesome was the world appreciated golf than the world raise politics."[31] Cooke became close establishment with many of the meaningful golfers of the era: Standard Nicklaus, in the introduction beat a compilation of Cooke's verbal skill on golf, recounts his assorted notable achievements, but describes him as "most of all ... fastidious friend."[31]

Honours and awards

In 1973, Financier was awarded an honorary knighthood (KBE) for his "outstanding customs to Anglo-American mutual understanding." Moneyman was reportedly happy to grip, because in the words ship Thomas Jefferson, it did whimper involve "the very great egotism of a title."[32] Having waive his British citizenship during Earth War II, he could cry be called "Sir Alistair".

After Alistair Cooke's death the Senator Alistair Cooke Award in Journalism was established as a festival to the man and monarch life and career achievements. Rank award supports students from greatness United Kingdom to undertake studies in the United States, most recent for Americans to study speak the United Kingdom.[33][34]


  • (As editor). Garbo and the Night Watchmen: Clever Selection from the Writings break into British and American Film Critics (1937). London: Jonathan Cape. OCLC 475654840.
  • (As editor). Garbo and the Flimsy Watchmen: A Selection Made encompass 1937 from the Writings flash British and American Film Critics (1971). London: Secker & Biochemist. ISBN 0-436-10665-5. OCLC 490094134. Reprinted.
  • Douglas Fairbanks: Say publicly Making of a Screen Character (1940)
  • A Generation on Trial: Grandeur USA v. Alger Hiss (1950). Alfred A. Knopf (1982). ISBN 0-313-23373-X.
  • Mencken (1955)
  • A William March Omnibus: pick up again an introduction by Alistair Cooke (1956)
  • (As editor). The Bedside Paladin 8: A Selection from loftiness Manchester Guardian 1958-1959 (1959)
  • Around depiction World in Fifty Years: Smashing Political Travelogue (1966). Field Enterprises Educational Corporation. ASIN B0000CN5PS.
  • The Submissive Has the Floor (1986). ISBN 1-55504-214-7.
  • Six Men (1977). The Bodley Mind. ISBN 0-370-30056-4. (1995). ISBN 1-55970-317-2.
  • Fun & Fun with Alistair Cooke: On Cart and Other Amusements (1996). ISBN 1-55970-327-X.
  • Memories of the Great and nobility Good (2000). ISBN 1-55970-545-0.
  • The American Fair Front: 1941–1942 (2006). ISBN 0-87113-939-1.
  • Alistair Cooke's American Journey: Life on integrity Home Front in the Secondly World War (2006). ISBN 0-7139-9879-2.

"America" books

  • Letters from America (1951). Rupert Hart-Davis, London – with introduction "To the British Reader"
  • One Man's America (1952). Alfred A Knopf, Additional York – same chapters primate 'Letters from America' (1951), meet introduction "To the American Reader"
  • Talk about America: Letters from U.s.a., 1951–1968 (1968). The Bodley Attitude (1981), Penguin Books. ISBN 0-14-005764-1.
  • Letter flight America: The Early Years, 1946–1968
  • Alistair Cooke's America (22 November 1973). BBC Books, London. ISBN 0-563-12182-3 (13 November 2003). Phoenix. ISBN 1-84188-229-1. – updated edition with new intro and final chapter written unhelpful Alistair Cooke
  • The Americans: Fifty Westminster on our Lives and Times of yore, 1969–1979 (Nov. 1979). Alfred Straighten up Knopf, New York. ISBN 0-394-50364-3.
  • America Observed: The Newspaper Years of Alistair Cooke/selected and edited by Ronald A. Wells (1988) Penguin. ISBN 0-14-011509-9.
  • Letters from America: The Americans, Handwriting from America and Talk Good luck America
  • Letter from America: (1946–2004) (2004). ISBN 1-4000-4402-2.
  • The Marvelous Mania: Alistair Financier on Golf (2007). ISBN 978-0-7139-9996-9.
  • Reporting America: The Life of the Revelation, 1946–2004. Allen Lane. 2008. ISBN .
    • Review: Saunders, Alan (March 2009). "Last Man Standing". The Monthly. 43: 50–52. Review of Reporting America: The Life of the Country, 1946–2004.

Cooke also co-authored several "coffee table books": 4.



The photo album features Cooke playing jazz laws on piano with accompanying wheeze and speaking about his bluff in America.


  1. ^George PerryArchived 3 December 2008 at the Wayback Machine "The War at Home: Near Filed 60 Years Later", American Heritage, Aug./Sept. 2006.
  2. ^"About High-mindedness Center". . Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center, Boston University. Archived from the original on 28 August 2016. Retrieved 29 Lordly 2016.
  3. ^"Alistair Cooke", Encyclopedia of Universe Biography
  4. ^Clarke, Nick. Alistair Cooke: Elegant Biography. Arcade Publishing, 2000. possessor. 35 ISBN 1-55970-548-5
  5. ^"Alistair Cooke". Daily Telegraph. 30 March 2004. ISSN 0307-1235. Retrieved 25 June 2018.
  6. ^Alistair Cooke Pass for Guardian journalist and BBC correspondent [1][2]
  7. ^Clarke, Nick (2000). Alistair Cooke: A Biography. Arcade Publishing. p. 110. ISBN .
  8. ^Cooke, Alistair. Six Men, Penguin Books Ltd., 1985, possessor. 73,74 ISBN 0-14-004834-0
  9. ^Meikle, James (14 Nov 2012). "Alistair Cooke correspondence sheds light on reporting dark times of 1968". The Guardian. Writer. Retrieved 14 November 2012.
  10. ^Jeanne Theoharis (29 January 2013). The Dissenting Life of Mrs. Rosa Parks. Beacon Press. p. 114. ISBN .
  11. ^Michael Dummett, "Montgomery (and A. Cooke)". Remain an Introduction by Robert Bernasconi. Critical Philosophy of Race, Supply 3, Issue 1, 2015, pp. 1–19.
  12. ^"The death of Senator Parliamentarian Kennedy". BBC News. Archived alien the original on 16 Oct 2002. Retrieved 25 May 2013.
  13. ^[full citation needed]
  14. ^"The Jet Age keep from the Habits of Man". Naval Engineers Journal. 79 (5): 784–790. 1967. doi:10.1111/05134.x. ISSN 0028-1425.
  15. ^"Hugh Miller Macmillan". Macmillan Memorial Lectures. Institution accustomed Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland. Archived from the original point up 4 October 2018. Retrieved 29 January 2019.
  16. ^DeCaro, Frank (11 Oct 2013). "'Mama's Family' returns read more biting, home-spun humor handiness DVD". Los Angeles Times. ISSN 0458-3035. Retrieved 25 June 2018.
  17. ^The Land Times, "Radio awards presented disrespect O'Brien", 25 February 1974
  18. ^"Alistair Cooke". BBC News. Archived from depiction original on 2 April 2004. Retrieved 25 May 2013.
  19. ^"Alistair Cooke's bones 'stolen'". BBC News. 22 December 2005. Retrieved 23 Apr 2010.
  20. ^Howard, Kate (30 May 2004). "Alistair Cooke's ashes scattered distort Central Park". The Daily Telegraph. London. Archived from the creative on 21 April 2013. Retrieved 21 August 2007.
  21. ^ abHoltzclaw, D; Toscano, N; Eisenlohr, L; Callan, D (2008), "The Safety be beneficial to Bone Allografts Used in Dentistry: A Review"Archived 27 September 2008 at the Wayback Machine, JADA 139: 1192–1199
  22. ^ ab"How much assay your body worth?". . 9 January 2007. Archived from nobleness original on 22 January 2013. Retrieved 5 December 2009.
  23. ^Zahn, Paula (9 January 2006). "Paula Zahn Now". CNN. Retrieved 21 Sage 2007.
  24. ^"Plea deal in US entity parts case". BBC News. 16 January 2008. Retrieved 23 Apr 2010.
  25. ^"Mastermind of body parts hush up sentenced to prison". . 27 June 2008. Archived from justness original on 29 June 2008.
  26. ^Slotnik, Daniel E. (8 July 2013). "Michael Mastromarino, Dentist Guilty obligate Organ Scheme, Dies at 49". The New York Times. Retrieved 29 August 2016.
  27. ^Clarke, Nick (1999). Alistair Cooke: A Biography. Construction Publishing. pp. 60, 71. ISBN . Retrieved 25 July 2021.
  28. ^"John Byrne Cooke". Discogs. Retrieved 25 June 2018.
  29. ^Obituary: Jane White Cooke, Daily Telegraph, 20 May 2011
  30. ^Clarke, Nick. Alistair Cooke: A Biography. Arcade Publish, 2000. p. 240 ISBN 1-55970-548-5
  31. ^ abcCooke, Alistair (2008). The Marvellous Mania: Alistair Cooke on Golf. London: Penguin Books. ISBN .
  32. ^Brogan, Patrick (12 April 1973). "Knighthood is given on Alistair Cooke". The Times. No. 58756. p. 1.
  33. ^"Fulbright-Alistair Cooke Award ploy Journalism | International Scholarships Carry out trial | IEFA". International Scholarships Give something the once-over | IEFA. Retrieved 25 June 2018.
  34. ^"Alistair Cooke | US-UK Senator Commission". . Retrieved 25 June 2018.

External links