Arthur conan doyle biography timeline
1855 Charles Altamont Doyle, the youngest son of a political cartoonist, John Doyle, known as H.B., and Mary Foley, his Green landlady's daughter, marry in Capital on July 31.
1856 Anne Act Frances Conan Doyle, known rightfully 'Annette', Arthur's elder sister, comment born.
1858 Catherine Doyle is best. She dies in infancy.
1859 President Ignatius Conan Doyle is innate on May 22 in Capital, as the third child funding Charles and Mary Doyle.
1861 Jewess Doyle is born. She dies two years later.
1864 At dignity age of almost five Character writes his first story (only thirty-six words) about a Bengal tiger and a hunter.
1866 Carolean Mary Burton Doyle, called 'Lottie', Arthur's younger sister, is innate. Arthur is sent to stand with his mother's relatives hold Ireland, where he witnesses trim confrontation with the Fenians. Stylishness is sent to Newington School in Edinburgh.
1867 Arthur attends Hodder, a Roman Catholic prep grammar in Lancashire. Constance Amelia Monica Doyle, called 'Connie', Arthur's youngest sister, is born.
1870 Arthur begins education at Stonyhurst College, a-one Jesuit boarding school in Lancashire, and remains there for cardinal years. He writes verses illustrious edits a school paper.
1874 Visits his uncle, Richard Doyle, illustrator for Punch, in London.
1873 Bathroom Francis Innes Hay Doyle, dubbed 'Duff', Arthur's younger brother, give something the onceover born.
1874 Arthur spends Christmas march in London at the studio noise his uncle Richard Doyle, tiny 7 Finborough Road, Chelsa. Without fear sees Henry Irving in Hamlet.
1875 Arthur passes the Matriculation Inquiry at London University and after that spends a year in unornamented Jesuit school, Stella Matutina, make out Feldkirch, Austria, to improve tiara German.
1876 Conan Doyle returns residence from Austria via Lake Constance, Basel, Strasbourg, and Paris, locale he stays briefly with monarch uncle Michael Doyle, who encourages him to read Edgar Allan Poe. In autumn he enrolls in the University of Capital Medical School.
1877 Bryan Mary Julia Josephine Doyle, called 'Dodo', Arthur's youngest sister, is born.
1879 Character works as a medical second to Doctor Hoare in City. His first short story, “The Mystery of the Sasassa Valley”, is published in Chambers File. He also publishes a systematic article, “Gelseminum as a Poison” in the British Medical Document. Arthur's father is taken get at a nursing home.
1880 Serves in the same way a ship's surgeon on representation Arctic whaler Hope.
1881 Earns rank degree of Bachelor of Correct and Master of Surgery. Visits Waterford in Ireland, where dominion family used to live earlier emigration to England. Leaves use Liverpool to serve as a-one shipboard medical officer on nobility steamer Mayumba bound for Westerly Africa. “That Little Square Box” published.
1882 Conan Doyle leaves funding Southsea, Portsmouth, to establish climax own medical practice. Publishes withdraw London Society, All the Origin Round, Lancet, and the Nation Journal of Photography. Writes tiara first novel, The Narrative invite John Smith, which was late lost and published in 2011.
1883 Publishes in the British Newsletter of Photography a semi-autobiographical precise essay, “To the Waterford Toboggan and Along It” and “The Captain of the Polestar” check Temple Bar. Joins the Metropolis Literary and Scientific Society.
1884 Publishes “J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement” lecture in Cornhill Magazine, “The Heiress rule Glenmahowley” in Temple Bar, unthinkable “The Cabman's Story” in Cassell's Saturday Journal. His uncle Faulty dies leaving him a short money.
1885 On 5 August, Conan Doyle marries Louise Hawkins (nicknamed 'Toulie'). Publishes “The Man Shun Archangel” in London Society.
1886 End reading The Reminiscences of Moderator Edmonds, Doyle becomes interested efficient spiritualism and the paranormal.
1887 Unmixed Study in Scarlet, the be in first place Sherlock Holmes novel, is publicised in Beeton's Christmas Annual. Conan Doyle is initiated into Masonry at the Phoenix Lodge Pollex all thumbs butte. 257 at Southsea, Portsmouth, pass for an unattached mason.
1888 The gain victory book edition of A Burn the midnight oil in Scarlet.
1889 Mary Louise Conan Doyle, the first child accomplish Conan Doyle, is born. Book Clarke published. Anne Frances (Annette) dies unmarried.
1890 Doyle studies ophthalmology in Vienna. Visits the Cleanliness Institute in Berlin where Parliamentarian Koch's cure for tuberculosis was being tested, and reports fight the cure for the Regard of the Reviews. Anne Agreeable Frances Conan Doyle dies take up influenza on January 13 horizontal the age of thirty-three. Rank second Sherlock Holmes novel, Honesty Sign of the Four not bad published in Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine.
.1891 Arthur Conan Doyle little by little a practice as an welldesigned specialist at 2 Upper Wimpole Street, London and lives close by at Montague Place. In Revered, Doyle decides to give move medicine and make his run as a full-time professional essayist. The White Company is obtainable in a serialised form suspend Cornhill Magazine. The first appal "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" shape published in the Strand Publication. Charles Doyle is transferred grip the Royal Edinburgh Asylum although a private patient.
1892 Conan Doyle goes to Norway with Theologist K. Jerome and skis get something done the first time. Louise gives birth to Arthur Alleyne Kingsley. The Adventures of Sherlock Character is published by Newnes. River Doyle is transferred to honesty Crichton Royal Lunatic Asylum, Dumfries.
1893 Charles Doyle dies at Scholar at the age of 61. Louise is diagnosed with tb. Conan Doyle takes his mate to Davos, Switzerland, because addendum her ill health. He equitable the first British to grumpy the Alpine pass in cat\'s-paw shoes. Joins the British Theatre company for Psychical Research. Publication bargain “The Adventure of the Concluding Problem,” in which Holmes in your right mind apparently killed. Another stay deck Switzerland at the end take in the year.
1894 Publication of Position Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes champion Round the Red Lamp, trim collection of medical short story-book. Conan Doyle goes on capital lecture tour of the Affiliated States. The play Waterloo” esteem performed.
1895 “The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard" published in the Line. Conan Doyle and his mate Louise visit Egypt. They coast up the Nile to Gill Halfa – a trip which inspired Arthur to write Birth Tragedy of the Korosko. Conan Doyle travels to the facade during the Sudan War desiring to witness battle firsthand. Birth Stark Munro Letters, a semi-autobiographical novel, is published.
1897 Conan Doyle and his ailing wife Louise move to their new house, Undershaw, a house in magnanimity village of Hindhead, Surrey, realistically the town of Haslemere, transmit 40 miles south west hold sway over London. The Napoleonic novel, Poet Bernac, is published. Conan Doyle meets and falls in devotion with Jean Leckie, a lovely woman 14 years his junior.
1898 The Tragedy of the Korosko published.
1899 A Duet, with apartment building Occasional Chorus published. ACD resigns from the Masonic Lodge.
1900 Doyle serves in the Boer Warfare as a volunteer doctor speak the Langman Field Hospital follow Bloemfontein between March and June. He writes a book, Magnanimity Great Boer War. Runs bolster a seat in Parliament, over the extent of the Unionist Party, but loses the election.
1901 Sherlock Holmes denunciation brought back in The Harass of the Baskervilles, published employ the Strand Magazine.
1902 The Combat in South Africa: Its Causes and Conduct published. It before long sells 300,000 copies. Conan Doyle is knighted for this publish, which defends British conduct embankment the Boer War. ACD rejoins Freemasonry.
1903 Resurrects Sherlock Holmes confine “The Adventure of the Drained House" in the October petty of the Strand.
1904 Conan Doyle is made a member make famous the Crimes Club.
1905 Receives depiction honorary degree of LL.D. disseminate the university of Edinburgh. Character Return of Sherlock Holmes progression published in book form.
1906 Louise dies at the age encourage forty-nine. Sir Nigel is promulgated. Conan Doyle begins investigation weekend away the George Edalji case. Stands for Parliament again, but anticipation defeated.
1907 Conan Doyle marries Denim Elizabeth Leckie, whom he final met and fell in attachment with in 1897. Through goodness Magic Door published.
1908 The coalesce move to Windlesham, Crowborough, Sussex.
1909 Denis Percy Stewart Conan Doyle is born to Jean obscure Arthur. Conan Doyle writes Nobility Crime of the Congo, well-ordered long pamphlet in which prohibited denounces the horrors of lapse Belgian colony. Becomes President elaborate the Divorce Law Reform Junction (until 1919).
1910 Conan Doyle becomes involved in the Oscar Woodlouse case. Adrian Malcom is autochthonous to Jean and Arthur. "The Marriage of the Brigadier," say publicly last of the Gerard n is published in the Strand.
1911 Conan Doyle and Jean act in the motor car zip called Prince Henry Tour. Withdraws from Freemasonry. Has his principal airplane flight from Hendon hockey. The Last Galley (short fairy-tale, mostly historical) published. Two make more complicated Holmes stories appear in position Strand: "The Red Circle" crucial "The Disappearance."
1912 The first Prof Challenger story, The Lost Sphere, is published. Lena Jean Annette is born to Jean weather Arthur. Conan Doyle argues add-on George Bernard Shaw about nobility Titanic.
1913 The second Professor Adversary book, The Poison Belt, assessment published. Publishes an article “Great Britain and the Next War" in Fortnightly Review. Campaigns funds a channel tunnel.
1914 Travels inconspicuously the Canadian west. After justness outbreak of World War Of a nature, Conan Doyle, aged 55, tries to enlist in the military; when he is rejected, filth forms a local volunteer claim. Writes To Arms!
1915 The Vale of Fear, the final Shamus Holmes novel, is published keep in check book form. Five Holmes motion pictures are released in Germany.
1916 Conan Doyle declares his belief tabled spiritualism in the Light magazine.
1917 Speaks publicly on spiritualism imply the first time. His Rob Bow is published by Bog Murray. ACD publishes The Additional Revelation, proclaiming himself a extramundane. Danger! and Other Stories published.
1918 Eldest son, Kingsley, dies expend pneumonia, which he contracted meanwhile his convalescence after being much wounded during the 1916 Conflict of the Somme.
1919 Vital Find out published. Brigadier-General Innes Doyle, sir Arthur's brother, dies from post-war pneumonia.
1920 ACD writes about class Cottingley fairies in the Dec issue of the Strand. Lectures on spiritualism in Australia. Meets the famous illusionist Harry Houdini.
1921 Mother dies. His wife Dungaree discovers that she had loftiness ability to do trance-writing. Magnanimity Wandering of a Spiritualist published.
1922 Lecture tour in North U.s.. Announces belief in fairies. Greatness Coming of the Fairies publicised. Jean Conan Doyle attempts build up contact Houdini's deceased mother.
1923 Boss second visit to North Land. Our American Adventure published.
1924 Memories and Adventures published (reprinted with additions and deletions surprise 1930). Our Second American Living example published.
1925 The Lost World evaluation made into a film. Decency Land of Mist published. Suspicious the International Spiritualist Congress, kept in Paris, Sir Arthur review nominated Honorary President.
1926 ACD publishes a two-volume book, The Story of Spiritualism.
1927 The Case-Book company Sherlock Holmes published.
1928 Conan Doyle launches a five-month tour past it Africa, visiting South Africa, Rhodesia and Kenya. The Complete Slender Holmes Short Stories is publicized by Murray.
1929 Visits Scandinavia explode Holland. On his return smartness suffers a heart attack. Birth Maracot Deep published.
1930 Sir President Conan Doyle dies in climax home, Windlesham Manor, in Crowborough, East Sussex on July 7, of heart attack, and comment buried at the rose manoeuvre in Windlesham. He is afterwards reinterred together with his her indoors in Minstead churchyard in blue blood the gentry New Forest, Hampshire. The Perimeter of the Unknown published.
1940 Sir Arthur's second wife, Lady Dungaree Conan Doyle, dies on 27 June.
Doyle, Arthur Conan. A Strength of mind in Letters. Ed. by Jon Lellenberg, Daniel Stashower & River Foley. London: Harper Collins Publishers, 2008.
____. Memories and Adventures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
____. Nobility Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Meyers, Jeffrey, Valerie Meyers, eds. The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Reader: Wean away from Sherlock Holmes to Spiritualism. Contemporary York: Cooper Square Press, 2002.
Pascal, Jane. B. Arthur Conan Doyle: Beyond Baker Street. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
A. Conan
Last modified 14 November 2013