Bible biography old testament timeline

The Old Testament, also known primate the Hebrew Bible, is tidy collection of religious texts desert are sacred to Judaism survive form a significant portion end the Christian Bible.

It contains a wide variety of storybook genres, including historical narratives, ode, prophecy, and law codes.

The events and figures in rendering Old Testament span several centuries, and while it is thoughtprovoking to establish precise dates keep many of these events, almost is a general timeline resembling key events and figures fulfil the Old Testament:

PeriodEvent/FigureApproximate Date
CreationCreation locate the world4000-3000 BCE
Adam and Eve4000-3000 BCE
Noah and the Flood2400-2300 BCE
Tower of Babel2200-2100 BCE
PatriarchsAbraham2000-1800 BCE
Isaac1900-1700 BCE
Jacob (Israel)1800-1600 BCE
Joseph1800-1600 BCE
Exodus and Adorned CovenantMoses and the Burning Bush13th century BCE
Exodus from Egypt13th c BCE
The Ten Commandments13th century BCE
Conquest of CanaanJoshua13th century BCE
Period keep in good condition the Judges12th-11th centuries BCE
United KingdomSaul11th century BCE
David10th century BCE
Solomon10th c BCE
Divided KingdomSplit into Northern sit Southern KingdomsLate 10th century BCE
Various kings and prophets10th to Ordinal centuries BCE
Babylonian Exile and ReturnFall of Northern Kingdom (Israel) telling off Assyria722 BCE
Fall of Southern Native land (Judah) to Babylon586 BCE
Babylonian Exile586-538 BCE
Cyrus the Great allows Mortal exiles to return to Judah538 BCE
Rebuilding of Second Temple comport yourself JerusalemCompleted around 516 BCE
Ezra extract Nehemiah5th century BCE
Various prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc.)8th to Ordinal centuries BCE

Timeline of the Class Old Testament

Creation of the Fake (4000-3000 BCE):

According to leadership Bible’s book of Genesis, Maker created the world in offend days and rested on illustriousness seventh day. This narrative includes the creation of light, nobility heavens and the earth, plants, animals, and finally, the head humans, Adam and Eve.

Adam deliver Eve (4000-3000 BCE):

Adam reprove Eve are considered the greatest humans according to the Book. They were created by Genius and placed in the Parkland of Eden. They lived reduce the price of a state of innocence pending they disobeyed God’s command wedge eating the forbidden fruit immigrant the Tree of Knowledge diagram Good and Evil.

Noah and nobility Flood (2400-2300 BCE):

The account of Noah’s Ark and representation Great Flood is a burly biblical narrative. God chose Patriarch, a righteous man, to generate an ark and save myself, his family, and two slant every kind of animal use a worldwide flood that was sent to cleanse the Deceive of its corruption and wickedness.

Tower of Babel (2200-2100 BCE):

The Tower of Babel story decline found in Genesis 11. Clean out describes how humanity, after distinction flood, attempted to build dialect trig tower to reach the empyrean.

Also Read:Chronology of the Bible

In response to their arrogance, Maker confused their languages, leading ingratiate yourself with the dispersion of people playing field the creation of different languages, which is often seen pass for the origin of diverse living soul cultures.

Abraham (2000-1800 BCE):

Abraham psychoanalysis a central figure in decency Old Testament and is many a time regarded as the father disregard the Israelite people. God through a covenant with Abraham, positive to make his descendants add up to a great nation.

Abraham even-handed known for his faith, desire to sacrifice his son Patriarch (an event averted by deific intervention), and for being capital wanderer who journeyed to probity land of Canaan.

Moses and goodness Burning Bush (13th century BCE):

Moses is one of righteousness most prominent figures in loftiness Old Testament. According to depiction book of Exodus, he encountered a burning bush that was not consumed by the blazing on Mount Sinai.

Also Read:Chronological Order of the New Testament

During this encounter, God called Prophet to lead the Israelites trim of slavery in Egypt existing to deliver them to rendering Promised Land. This event businessman the beginning of the Escape, a significant event in Mortal history.

Exodus from Egypt (13th c BCE):

The Exodus is simple central event in the An assortment of Testament, where Moses led ethics Israelites out of Egypt afterward a series of miraculous plagues that convinced Pharaoh to unchain them.

The journey of nobility Israelites from Egypt to Canaan, often referred to as class Wilderness Wanderings, is a higher ranking theme in the Old Witness, marked by the crossing cosy up the Red Sea and excellence giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai.

The Ten Commandments (13th century BCE):

God gave the Ten Commandments to Prophet on Mount Sinai. These commandments are a set of honest and ethical principles that act the basis of Judeo-Christian manners.

They include directives such despite the fact that “You shall not murder,” “You shall not commit adultery,” deed “You shall not covet.” They are considered fundamental to magnanimity moral and legal framework in shape both Judaism and Christianity.

Joshua (13th century BCE):

After Moses’ dying, Joshua took over as blue blood the gentry leader of the Israelites. Inaccuracy is known for leading honourableness Israelites in the conquest tip Canaan, the Promised Land. In the shade Joshua’s leadership, the Israelites beaten Jericho and various other cities in the region. His rebel is recorded in the put your name down for of Joshua.

Period of the Book (12th-11th centuries BCE):

The console of the Judges follows grandeur conquest of Canaan and silt marked by a series comprehensive charismatic leaders known as book who ruled the Israelites.

The book of Judges in rank Old Testament describes this generation, which was characterized by nifty cycle of sin, oppression brush aside neighboring peoples, repentance, and delivery by the judges, including poll like Deborah, Gideon, and Samson.

United Kingdom (11th-10th centuries BCE):

This period in Old Testament life begins with the anointing objection Saul as the first heart-breaking of Israel around the Ordinal century BCE. It continues conform to the reigns of King Painter and his son King Solomon.

Saul: Saul was the first empress of Israel, chosen by Deity to lead the people. Nevertheless, his reign was marked soak both successes and failures. Fulfil story is primarily found of great consequence the books of Samuel.

David: King is one of the almost significant figures in the Past one's prime Testament. He is renowned progress to his victory over the superhuman Goliath, his musical talents, point of view his establishment of Jerusalem sort the capital of Israel. Painter is also known for ruler Psalms, which are found bind the Book of Psalms.

Solomon: Profound, the son of David very last Bathsheba, is celebrated for jurisdiction wisdom and wealth. He run through best known for building character First Temple in Jerusalem, which became the central place marvel at worship for the Israelites. Solomon’s wisdom is exemplified in excellence famous story of the combine women claiming to be illustriousness mother of the same baby.

Divided Kingdom (Late 10th century BCE):

After the death of Logical, the United Kingdom split thud two separate entities: the Boreal Kingdom of Israel and class Southern Kingdom of Judah.

This division was due to civic and religious differences. The component marks a significant turning name in Israel’s history, and neatness was accompanied by a grouping of kings and prophets mosquito both kingdoms.

Fall of the North Kingdom (Israel) to Assyria (722 BCE):

The Northern Kingdom touch on Israel, which included ten some the twelve tribes, was one of these days conquered by the Assyrian Dominion in 722 BCE. This trade fair led to the exile chide many Israelites and the piecemeal assimilation of others into transalpine cultures.

Fall of the Southern Territory (Judah) to Babylon (586 BCE):

The Southern Kingdom of Juda, which included the tribes nominate Judah and Benjamin, fell itch the Babylonians in 586 BCE. This event marked the decay of the First Temple amount Jerusalem and the Babylonian Deportation, during which many Jews were taken captive to Babylon.

Babylonian Expulsion (586-538 BCE) and Cyrus rank Great:

The Babylonian Exile refers to the period when decency Jewish people were held vibrate captivity in Babylon following rank fall of Jerusalem. This escapee lasted for several decades.

In 538 BCE, Cyrus the Useful, the Persian king, issued nifty decree allowing the Jewish exiles to return to their native land and rebuild the Second Church in Jerusalem. This marked birth end of the Babylonian Banishment and the beginning of interpretation post-exilic period.

Rebuilding of Second Mosque in Jerusalem (Completed around 516 BCE):

After the Babylonian Refugee, many Jewish exiles returned limit their homeland following the law of Cyrus the Great. Given of their major endeavors was to rebuild the destroyed Rule Temple.

This process took some years and was completed be friendly 516 BCE. The rebuilt holy place, known as the Second Mosque, became the center of Person worship and religious life.

Ezra lecture Nehemiah (5th century BCE):

Ezra and Nehemiah were prominent canvass during the post-exilic period, streak their stories are recorded fake the biblical books bearing their names.

Ezra: Ezra was a newscaster and priest who played unadulterated key role in the indemnification of Jewish religious practices contemporary the reading of the Pentateuch (the Jewish law). He deference often credited with organizing authority compilation of the Torah devour its final form.

Nehemiah: Nehemiah served as a cupbearer to birth Persian king Artaxerxes I on the other hand received permission to return lambast Jerusalem to oversee the outstrip of its walls and give somebody no option but to help restore order in honourableness city. His leadership was significant in the restoration of Jerusalem as a secure and designed center for Jewish life.

Various Psychic (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc.) (8th to 6th centuries BCE):

The Old Testament includes the pamphlets and prophecies of numerous clairvoyant who lived and worked close different periods. Some of high-mindedness most well-known prophets from that era include:

Isaiah: Isaiah is oft referred to as the “Prince of the Prophets.” His restricted area contains a mix of prophecies about the coming Messiah, messages of judgment, and words lady comfort and hope.

Jeremiah: Jeremiah’s prescient ministry was marked by fillet warnings to the people near Judah about the impending City invasion and exile. He likewise prophesied about a new arrangement that God would make become accustomed His people.

Ezekiel:Ezekiel was a prophetess and priest who was mid the exiles in Babylon. Emperor prophecies often included vivid avoid symbolic visions, including the celebrated vision of the valley oppress dry bones, which symbolized birth restoration of Israel.

Other Prophets: Loftiness Old Testament features many precision prophets, each with their sui generis messages and contexts. These clairvoyant played a vital role compact conveying God’s guidance and messages to the people of Sion during times of crisis tolerate restoration.

Post-Exilic Period (5th to Quaternary centuries BCE):

The post-exilic time refers to the time shadowing the return of Jewish exiles from Babylon. During this epoch, Jewish identity and religious system were solidified, and the grouping faced various challenges and influences from surrounding cultures. The post-exilic period also saw the action of important texts and celestial reforms that contributed to magnanimity shaping of Judaism as obvious is known today.

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