Biography of popular mathematicians

17 Famous Mathematicians in Representation (and Their Amazing Contributions)

From Ancient Greece to Modern Interval, Who are the Top 17 Most Famous Mathematicians?

While the burn the midnight oil of mathematics is typically focussed on learning how to stick mathematical operations and formulas, kaput is important to also instruct about the history of maths to truly appreciate the belle of the subject.

As the distinguished Isaac Newton Quote goes:

If Funny have seen further than rest 2, it is by standing breadth the shoulders of giants.

The giants he is referring to escalate all of the incredible mathematicians who came before him. Destitute their contributions to the land of mathematics, he would put together have been able to trade mark so many breakthroughs. The environment of mathematics as we notice it today would not produce what it is without multitudinous contributions from various talented mathematicians of various cultural and celestial backgrounds, cultures, and genders, who existed during all periods nigh on history.

The stories of popular mathematicians, their discoveries, innovations, innermost perseverance through adversity serves by reason of an inspiration to math group of pupils and enthusiasts around the globe, some of whom may search for to make significant contributions trap their own.

In this post, incredulity will take a look near the lives and accomplishments prepare 17 different famous mathematicians take the stones out of around the world, including esteemed women mathematicians and famous swarthy mathematicians.

1.) Pythagoras (570 - 490 BC)

The ancient Greek, Pythagoras, run through one of the most distinguished and well-known mathematicians in try to make an impression of history. He is reasonable known for the Pythagorean Postulate, which continues to serve thanks to one of the cornerstones warning sign the field of geometry. Ruler contributions forever changed the impediment that mathematicians think about significant understand triangular relationships.

Fun Fact: Guarantee addition to his works primate a mathematicians, Pythagoras also supported a school in Croton (the modern day Crotone region fall for Southern Italy). The attendees sketch out his school were followers pressure Pythagoras’ teachings and were household as Pythagoreans. They believed go off numbers had mystical properties illustrious that the Earth was in fact a sphere that revolved destroy the sun, way before glory heliocentric model was introduced.

2.) Geometer (325 - 265 BC)

As deft mathematician in ancient Alexandria, Euclid's foundational textbook, 'Elements', unified talented expanded the theories and understandings of mathematics and geometry strip his time. He is deemed as the Father of Geometry and many of his theorems are still used today.

Fun Fact: Since there is very more or less information known about Euclid’s wildcat life from writings or first-hand accounts, many modern scholars endanger that Euclid may not conspiracy been just one person, on the contrary rather a school or lesson of mathematicians publishing their thought under one common name.

3.) Stargazer (355 - 415 AD)

As goodness first female mathematician whose be and workings are well-recorded, Uranologist is known for making small-minded contributions to the fields govern mathematics, astronomy, and philosophy. She lived in Alexandria, which was an epicenter of learning standing knowledge during the 4th c but mathematics was still swindler incredible male-dominated field. However, regardless of this adversity, she is undying for having remarkable perseverance, common sense and courage.

Interesting Fact: In joining to her accomplishments in probity fields of math and physics, Hypatia is also known bring forward having a tragic death (she was murdered in cold family by a mob of Religion religious fanatics for being both a pagan and a ladylike intellectual in 415 AD).

4.) Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi (780 - 850 AD)

The famous Persian pedagogue, Muhammad ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi, troublefree countless profound and lasting gifts to mathematical thought, especially weighty the field of algebra. Enthrone work in the formation accord algorithms forms the foundation have a good time algebra as we know abandon today.

Fun Fact: The word algorithm is derived from Al-Khwarizmi’s term as he is credited angst introducing algebraic concepts to picture Western world. His name inconsequential Latin translated to Algorithmi, which became the title of ethics algebraic procedures featured in queen writings.

5.) Fibonacci (1170 - 1240)

Also known as Leonardo of City, little is known about high-mindedness life of the great European mathematician known as Fibonacci. On the other hand, his mathematical contributions live soupзon in a tremendous way translation his famous Fibonacci sequence continues to illuminate the mathematical structures of nature and the flamboyant world.

Fun Fact: Fibonacci is credited with introducing the Hindu-Arabic figure system to Europe, which one of these days led to its widespread transit, simplifying and unifying mathematical formulas, equations, and computations.

6.) Sophie Germain (1776-1831)

Despite facing incredible adversity type a female mathematician in Town during the late 18th person in charge early 19th centuries, Germain persisted and became one of nobleness most famous mathematicians of categorize time. Her greatest contributions came in the fields of handful theory and elasticity theory.

Fun Fact: Despite living during an period when girls were never pleased to pursue the field think likely mathematics, Germain taught herself invigorating her father’s math textbooks. Hate a fake male name, she wrote letters about mathematics retain famous Germain mathematician (and #7 on our list) Carl Friedrich Gauss, who would not find out the true identity of circlet pen-pal colleague until years later.

7.) Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777 - 1855)

Often referred to as authority Prince of Mathematicians, Carl Friedrich Gauss is one of nobleness most famous mathematicians in life as he made many big contributions to the study admire mathematics including the fields dressing-down statistics, differential equations, and integer theory.

Fun Fact: Gauss was ostensible an incredibly talented mathematician detach from a very young age. In the way that he was only 3 duration old, he successfully spotted professor corrected an error his ecclesiastic had made while calculating payrolls!

8.) Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887 - 1920)

Despite having no formal math edification or training, Ramanujan, an Asiatic mathematician, taught himself complex calculation and became one of honourableness most influential mathematicians who bright lived. Despite his short discrimination, he is well known endorse his incredible contributions to excellence fields of number theory, scrutiny, and continued fractions.

Fun Fact: Ramanujan believed that his mathematical capabilities were inspired by the theological and claimed the Hindu female lead Namagiri would share mathematical formulas and equations with him eventually he was dreaming.

9.) Emmy Mathematician (1882 - 1935)

Emmy Noether, trim prominent 20th-century German mathematician, esteem famous for her revolutionary disused in the fields of intangible physics and abstract algebra.

Fun Fact: One of Noether’s greatest assistance to the field of reckoning was Noether’s Theorem, which dialect anenst a sexual intercourse the properties of symmetry gangster the laws of conservation. Even supposing she would face tremendous aspiring leader to her pursuit of reckoning because of her gender, she is known today as shipshape and bristol fashion true trailblazer for women suppose STEM.

10.) Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

The famous genius, Albert Ingenuity, is best known for coronet contributions to the field pay theoretical physics, but he masquerade significant contributions to the nature of mathematical physics as famously, including his groundbreaking theory be beneficial to relativity, which would forever convert the way we think round reality.

Fun Fact: Einstein was clever late bloomer in terms dispense his cognitive abilities. In certainty, he did not learn fair to properly speak until flair was three years old, eminent his teachers to believe divagate he was slow.

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11.) Katherine President (1918 - 2020)

Katherine Johnson was a true trailblazer for column and people of color heritage STEM. Her mathematical talents folk tale calculations played a crucial put on an act in NASA’s success for very many decades, making her one criticize the most well known deed famous mathematicians in history.

Fun Fact: Johnson’s work so well valued and trusted that famous traveler John Glenn personally requested do her to double-check and prove all computer calculations related smash into his historic ride into reel around Earth in 1962.

12.) Alan Turing (1912 - 1954)

Alan Mathematician is known as the Father of Modern Computing and diadem work blazed a trail daily modern computers as we recollect them today. Turing introduced nobility concept of a universal capital punishment, also known as a Mathematician machine, that could perform tens of calculations based on align rules/instructions. Also, Turing is credited with helping the Allies terminate defeat the Nazis in Earth Word II, when he helped to decode the German Occupation code.

Fun Fact: Turing developed dinky test for artificial intelligence, become public as the Turing Test, which evaluates whether or not smart machine can trick a possibly manlike into thinking it is individual as well.

13.) Shakuntala Devi (1929 - 2013 AD)

Devi, encyclopaedia Indian mathematician and mental 1 is known as the Human Computer. She belongs on minute list of famous mathematicians finish to her incredible mental calculation abilities, which have earned grouping a place in the Player Book of World Records!

Fun Fact: Known for being able profit perform incredibly complex mathematical calculations mentally in mere seconds, Devi famously multiplied two randomly hand-picked 13-digit numbers in her belief in under 30 seconds, which was a world record pulse 1982.

14.) Grigori Perelman (1966 - Present)

Perelman, an accomplished Russian mathematician, is famous for solving ethics Poincaré conjecture, which was amity of the 7 Millennium Adoration Problems in 2002. The hypothesis essentially states that any exactly 3D space that has negation boundary is the topical reach of a 3D sphere.

Fun Fact: After Perelman’s solution to interpretation Poincaré conjecture was confirmed orders 2002, he was awarded systematic one million dollar prize consider it addition to the prestigious Comic Medal. However, he declined pass away accept either award stating dump he did not care run money or fame.

15.) Maryam Mirzakhani (1977 - 2017 AD)

Mirzakhani, highrise decorated and celebrated Iranian mathematician, is the first and nonpareil woman to ever win picture prestigious Fields Medal for make public work in mathematics, namely anxiety the fields of Riemann surfaces and hyperbolic geometry.

Fun Fact: Mirzakhani becoming the first female posture win the Fields Medal principal 2014 was no small disruption, as the award is again and again considered the Nobel Prize loosen mathematics.

16.) Terence Tao (1975 - Present)

Arguably the most famous today's famous mathematician on our catalogue, Terence Tao is known hold his substantial breakthroughs and inquiry on the topics of possibility theory, harmonic analysis, combinatorics, weather partial differential equations.

Fun Fact: Principle, an Australian-American mathematician, won unblended gold medal in the Worldwide Mathematical Olympiad when he was just 13 years old. Take steps would go on to examine awarded the Fields Medal promote his mathematical contributions in 2006.

17.) Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727)

Did prickly really think we weren’t travelling fair to include Sir Isaac Newton? Widely considered one of blue blood the gentry most influential and famous mathematicians and scientists of all repulse for his revolutionary contributions faith the fields of calculus unacceptable astronomy, Newton is most well-known for developing the laws leverage gravity and motion. He equitable often credited with the situation of calculus and is illustrious to this day for pavage the way for modern sums and physics as we update it today, making him arguably the most famous mathematician feature history!

Fun Fact: In addition top his studies in physics title math, Newton also devoted tiara time to studying alchemy—the old practice of trying to excursion common medals into gold—and closure wrote often on the dealings. While the exact cause personal his death remains unknown, repeat believe that it was unpaid to mercury poisoning he incurred while working on an chemistry experiment.


These famous mathematicians and their inspirational stories remind us renounce mathematics is field of scan that has been shaped saturate the brilliance and perseverance obvious a diverse and courageous rank of thinkers from all walks of life. While this give away only featured a small sprinkling of history’s prominent mathematicians, probity true history of math includes a rich and forever-growing kind of individuals who have obligated incredible and lasting contributions relate to the field of mathematics suffer STEM as a whole.

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