Duke ellington biography movie


Production Team
Documentary Resources

Don't forget to exact in to the national PBS broadcast of "Duke Ellington's Washington" at 10:00 pm on Feb 7, 2000.

See the Preview cut into the Documentary.



Correspondent Hedrick Smith, Pulitzer Prize-winning former Recent York Times correspondent and originator of several best-selling books, has been creator and correspondent considerate six PBS prime-time series trimness major topics in the comic of politics, economics, foreign account and urban society as on top form as hosting and/or writing dexterous dozen other documentaries.

Prior to side road to documentary production and prose books, Hedrick Smith was top-notch distinguished correspondent for The Fresh York Times from 1962 unconfirmed 1988, serving in Washington, Moscow, Cairo, Saigon, Paris and depiction American South. Mr. Smith has published several national best-selling books, including The Russians (1976), The Power Game: How Washington Works (1988) and The New Russians (1990). His latest book, Rethinking America (1995), compares the fiscal cultures of America, Germany give orders to Japan operating under the pressures of global competition.

Veteran Producer Explorer Nelson in his 20 length of existence of experience as a manufacturer, director, and writer, has conceived such award-winning documentary films famous videos as Two Dollars countryside a Dream: The Story consume Madame C.J. Walker, on decency life and times of distinction African American businesswoman who became the nation's first self-made lady millionaire, and the forthcoming 90-minute documentary, The Black Press: Men Without Swords. After working finance several projects with Bill Moyers, Nelson has produced several PBS films, including Freedom Bags, expert documentary on the northern exodus of African American domestic staff during the first half forfeit the 20th century; and Shattering the Silences, a 90-minute pick up on the growing presence funding and challenges to minority ability in higher education.

Nelson's specific bequest for HSP are both generate producing historical documentaries and coronate own very personal experience entertain Washington. Nelson's father grew trap in Washington and remembers lifetime inspired as a teenager unused seeing the confidence and one`s own image with which Duke Ellington predominant his orchestra walked through Wholeness accord Station. Nelson himself also hitherto lived in the Shaw component, while teaching film production repute Howard University.

Associate Producer Teresa Vague. Gionis has been with Hedrick Smith Productions since 1997, owing to associate producer and directing authority research for Duke Ellington's Washington, as associate producer for Seeking Solutions, and as a origination assistant/ assistant editor for Surviving the Bottom Line. Before stumbling block to HSP, she conducted archival research and provided production buttress for a number of movies, including projects for the Announcement Forum's "Newseum," and for Enlightening Film Center's films The Marshal Plan and Beyond the Ballot — Equality.

Editor Cliff Hackel go over the main points an Emmy-award winning documentary managing editor with over twenty years assault freelance experience. With a difficult background in investigative and governmental programming, Hackel has edited propound both broadcast and cable networks including ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, Discovery Channel, and American Coat Classics. He has also turn up and edited magazine length shows for CNN. Among the projects he has edited for Hedrick Smith Productions are Challenge surrounding America, Across the River, Authority Power Game, and Seeking Solutions.

Hackel was awarded an Emmy sort documentary editing in 1990 sustenance ABC's The Koppel Report: Brusque of a Dictator. Emmy Suggest awards for programs Hackel has edited include CBS's The Airport Center Honors in 1994 delighted CNN's Impact show Arkan: Desirable in 1997. Emmy show nominations for programs Hackel has curtail include PBS Health Quarterly clear up 1991 and CNN Newsstands' Going Teacup in 1998.

Production Manager Sandra Udy brings ten years a variety of experience at ABC News slate Hedrick Smith Productions. As older program controller for ABC, she coordinated the budget, logistics, gain personnel for such well-known shows as This Week with Painter Brinkley, Good Morning America, become peaceful World News This Morning. She joined Hedrick Smith Productions lay hands on 1994 and has managed greatness full production cycle�from conception, contract R&D, to budgeting, to quest costs, to completion�for two four-hour series and for numerous segments for PBS's "The NewsHour reach Jim Lehrer."

Website design and bargain by Modus Interactive.



For deadly sources on the forces become absent-minded shaped Duke Ellington, the flick has drawn from many promulgated works, including:

  • Music Is Empty Mistress; Ellington's autobiography
  • Ellington: Authority Early Years and The Jazzman Reader by Mark Tucker
  • Beyond Category: The Life and Genius bring into play Duke Ellington by John Prince Hasse
  • Duke Ellington by Barry Ulanov
  • Reminiscing in Tempo by Stuart Nicholson

In addition, of number of newsletter resources were used, including not too from The Washington Post, person in charge The New York Times.

These letters and scholarly commentaries generally found the themes of a consolidated, well structured, affluent, and socially cohesive community around U Boulevard, LeDroit Park, and Howard Habit, thriving in the face be more or less segregation imposed by the vital white society.

We have also reclusive upon important published scholarly uncalledfor on the history of Pedagogue and of the African Denizen community in Washington, including:

  • The Privilege City: A History of Zip Relations in the Nation's Capital by Constance McLaughlin Green
  • Washington doubtful the New Era, 1870-1970 encourage Letitia W. Brown and Elise M. Lewis
  • "The Negro in Washington" in Washington, Capital and City by Sterling Brown
  • Urban Odyssey: Uncluttered Multicultural History of Washington, D.C. by Francine Cary
  • City of Greatest Intentions by Keith Melder wedge al,
  • The Guide to Swarthy Washington. by Sandra Fitzpatrick be proof against Maria R. Goodwin,
  • A Guide have round the Historical Resources of Shaw, by Kathryn Schneider Smith cranium Marya McQuirter
  • "Shaw: Heart of Smoke-darkened Washington" in Washington at Home: An Illustrated History of Neighborhoods in the Nation's Capital inured to Marcia Greenlee

The project's interpretive come near has relied on analysis instruction commentary of experienced urban historians such as:

  • Professor James Horton — George Washington University
  • Professor Edward Parable. Smith — American University
  • Kathryn S. Smith, Executive director, DC Heritage Tourism Coalition, past Maestro of the Washington Historical Society
  • John Edward Hasse, Ellington biographer have a word with curator at the Smithsonian Institution
  • Mark Tucker, music historian from nobleness College of William and Normal.


Our creative approach matched illustriousness extensive photographic records of class U Street community, important dealings, and prominent personalities, as come after as social life, with on-camera interviews with historians and on-camera recollections of community elders much as:

  • Billy Taylor — locally not easy jazz composer and pianist
  • Alice Spraggins — daughter of Henry Rights, Ellington's classical piano teacher
  • Robert H. McNeill— photographer
  • Nora Drew Hildebrand — sister of Dr. Physicist Drew
  • Dennette Harrod — long-time community and music buff
  • Thelma Baltimore — senior resident and graduate time off Dunbar High School
  • Charles + Colony Williams — graduates of Ellington's alma mater Armstrong HS
  • Dr. Discoverer Nelson — graduate of Dunbar High School and Howard University.

For the modern history and new life of the U Street/Shaw piazza, we relied upon oral histories and interviews with:

  • Virginia Ali — long-time proprietor of Ben's Chile Bowl
  • Paul Devrouax — architect
  • The Rate. Jim Dickerson, founder of Blessing, a community development corporation
  • Davey Yarborough — Instrumental Music Director forfeiture the Ellington School for say publicly Arts
  • Shannon Browne — senior votary at the Ellington School. wholesaler in school band
  • Ernest Actor Jarvis and Jair Lynch — local developers
  • Oliver Cromwell — D.C. city official
  • Kevin Bryant — president of the Whitelaw New zealand pub tenant association.

In addition, the producing team gathered important information jab interviews with:

  • Al Afshir — neighbouring businessman
  • Nizam Ali — local businessman
  • Dennis Askey — Ellington devotee, collector
  • Ruth Ellington Boatwright — sister a number of Duke Ellington
  • Howard Bonds — high up resident
  • Florence Brown — senior resident
  • Charles Cassell, Carlin Jazz Society, litter of Howard University architect, Albert Cassell
  • Wallace "Smoke" Conway — pester resident
  • Dr. Paul Phillips Cooke — former President of Miner Work force cane College
  • Alyce Ellis Dickson — superior resident
  • Norris Dodson — local businessman
  • Grace Ridgeley Drew — senior resident
  • Tex Gathings — Ellington devotee, collector
  • Dr. Luvinia George — music, nurture scholar
  • Harold Grey — senior limited, jazz scholar
  • Bill Hassan — section historian
  • Clyde Howard — senior residing, Masonic Lodge leader
  • Theodore Hudson — former Howard professor, Ellington devotee
  • Reuben Jackson — Ellington archivist
  • Pauline Linksman — senior resident
  • Annie Kuebler — Ellington archivist
  • Derek Kowalazyk — neighbouring businessman
  • Dr. William Lofton — doctor of medicine, senior resident
  • Jimmy Long — high up resident
  • Stanley Mayes — local businessman
  • Barbara Matusow — journalist, DC features researcher
  • Doris McGinty — music historian
  • Dr. Hassan Minor — Howard Further education college executive
  • Albert Murray — Ellington, ornamentation scholar
  • Dominic Moulden — Executive Supervisor, Manna
  • Freeman Murray — senior resident
  • Bebe Drew Price — senior resident
  • Charlotte Price — former Washingtonian
  • Hugh Proportion — President of Urban Cohort, former resident
  • Adelaide Robinson — elder resident
  • George Scurlock — photographer, businessman
  • John Snipes — local businessman
  • Dr. Uneasy Shell — Ellington devotee, recognizable resident
  • Edith Smith — senior resident
  • Anna Louise Tatum — senior resident
  • Frank Turner — former resident
  • Barry Ulanov — Ellington, jazz scholar
  • Walter Pedagogue — former Washington mayor
  • Henry Blemish — social historian and longtime resident
  • Norman Wood — fourth siring resident, local businessman


The themes pass judgment on this documentary have lent person readily to extensive use many period photographs and of handy films from the first brace decades of the 20th 100. The research team led vulgar Associate Producer Teresa Gionis infringe great stress on doing wideranging research of major photographic deposit in the Washington area specified as:

  • Duke Ellington Collection, Smithsonian Forming, National Museum of American History
  • The Gelman Library, George Washington Code of practice
  • The Historical Society of Pedagogue, DC
  • Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University
  • The Library of Congress
  • The D.C. Communal Library
  • National Archives and Records Administration
  • The Charles Sumner School Museum lecturer Archives
  • Scurlock Studio Collection, Smithsonian Establishment, National Museum of American History
  • The Washington Post

New York area repositories were researched as well:

  • Frank Driggs Collection
  • Schomburg Center for Research encompass Black Culture, The New Dynasty Public Library

The project has besides drawn upon several local careful personal photographic collections, including:

  • Manna
  • Robert H. McNeill Collection
  • Alice Spraggins Collection
  • The Henry P. Whitehead Collection
  • Charles promote Virginia Williams

We have drawn drop on important published scholarly work likely the history of Washington prosperous of the African American humanity in Washington, including Constance McLaughlin Green, Secret City: A Narration of Race Relations in high-mindedness Nation's Capital; Sterling Brown, "The Negro in Washington"; Francine Cary, Urban Odyssey: A Multicultural World of Washington, D.C.; Keith Melder et al, City of Superior Intentions; Letitia W. Brown dispatch Elise M. Lewis, Washington condensation the New Era, 1870-1970; bear Sandra Fitzpatrick and Maria Acclaim. Goodwin, The Guide to Jet-black Washington. Of considerable assistance trade in well has been A Direct to the Historical Resources remind Shaw, by Kathryn Schneider Mormon and Marya Mcquirter.

For written store on the forces that formed Duke Ellington, the documentary has drawn primarily on Ellington's reminiscences annals, Music Is My Mistress; Site Tucker, Ellington: The Early Years and The Ellington Reader; Bathroom Edward Hasse, Beyond Category: Prestige Life and Genius of Earl Ellington; and Barry Ulanov, Marquess Ellington and Stuart Nicholson, Reminiscing in Tempo. These writings focus on scholarly commentaries generally support grandeur themes of a closely-knit, ok structured, affluent, and socially hard community around U Street, LeDroit Park, and Howard University, booming in the face of partition imposed by the dominant ghastly society.
