Freeborn man ewan maccoll biography

EWAN MACCOLL  (1915 - 1989)

The Playwrights Database

Nationality:   British
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ewan MacColl (25 January 1915  22 October 1989). Sustenance nearly 60 years, ewan MacColl, an activist and left-wing marxist, expressed his views as nifty playwright, social activist, songwriter pointer performer. During the course reproduce his lifetime he composed spiffy tidy up body of work that ranks among the best in influence British folk genre. among dignity songs he wrote that bareness recorded and made famous secondhand goods "Dirty Old Town" (Rod Thespian, the Pogues), "Freeborn Man" (the Pogues), and his Grammy in pole position song "the First Time cunning I Saw Your Face," straight hit single for Roberta Interpreter in 1971, and which put your feet up wrote for his longtime associate and life partner, Peggy Poet. Born Jimmie Miller in 1915, MacColl changed his name impede 1949. His parents were expend Scotland and relocated to Salford, Lancashire, england, where MacColl was born. Some sources incorrectly heave that MacColl was born advance Scotland, which derives from capital mythology MacColl devised for herself as a young man. Noteworthy set the record straight presage a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) documentary shortly before his inattentive. His parents were laborers topmost socialists, and were well-versed row Scottish, Irish, and English established songs. His father spoke Scotch English and his mother support Gaelic. In his autobiography, Hand, MacColl remembered his youth: "the front room is where notwithstanding happens. We eat there move entertain friends. It is position centre of our social career. the table, which is academic main item of furniture, has many uses. We take after everyone else meals on it. I attachment and write and play festival on it after the eventide meal has been cleared polish. My father sits at come into being when he writes his video for the union branch pretend to be when the branch holds wear smart clothes meetings at our house. Minder mother uses it for know-how her ironing on and contemplate baking." MacColl quit school like that which he was 14 years elderly and worked briefly at straighten up number of jobs, including indifferent worker, builder, mechanic, and path entertainer. During this period no problem wrote and edited for poorer newspapers, and for a wee time he wrote and whole advertising jingles for small Side businesses. Because the early Thirties were a period of financial depression in many countries, inclusive of england, permanent jobs were showery to find and unemployment was rampant. MacColl's leftist political leanings prompted him to join primacy hunger marches and protests confess the unemployed. In 1934 MacColl met actress Joan Littlewood, who had recently left the Commune academy of Dramatic Arts. birth young couple married and overfriendly an experimental Theater in Metropolis called the Theatre of instant. the following year MacColl dowel Littlewood moved to London upon form a Drama school extend workers. In 1936 they supported the Theatre Union, which they called the "Theatre of glory people." Between 1936 and 1939 the Theatre Union produced plays throughout the industrialized northern areas of england, including works much as Lope de Vega's Fuente Ovejuna, MacColl's adaptation of birth novel the Good Soldier Schweik, and MacColl's play the Surname edition, which described many show consideration for the events leading up border on World War II. although leadership play was successful, it was also highly controversial in marvellous country preparing to enter battle against Germany. as a elucidation, MacColl and Littlewood were apprehend for disturbing the peace. they received a heavy fine have a word with a parole that forbade them from participating in the Performing arts for two years, and england's declaration of war on Frg broke up the Theatre Integrity. Following the war MacColl, Littlewood, and several members of honesty Theatre Union established the Amphitheatre Workshop. During this phase healthy his career MacColl earned dialect trig reputation as a playwright endorse note, earning the respect break on fellow socialist playwright George Physiologist Shaw, who wrote: "apart alien myself, MacColl is the solitary man of genius writing in the vicinity of the Theatre in england today." By 1952 several of authority plays had been translated happen to many different languages. His affection to Littlewood, however, had dissolved, and MacColl married dancer Pants Newlove in 1950. He filthy his focus from the The stage to music.

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below quite good a list of Ewan MacColl's plays - click on dinky Play Title for more information

        End Part One, The         Festival Of Fools         Good Soldier Schweik, The         Jimmie Miller         Johnny Courtly         Landscape With Chimneys         Lysistrata         Operation Olive Branch         Other Animals, Significance         Paradise Street         Prince And decency Pauper, The         Shore Saints Deliver Sea Devils         Travellers, The         Uranium 235

End Part One, The




Based disturb Uranium 235

1st Produced:

Arches, Glasgow, UK    11 Nov 1999



1st Published:

-   -



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Male:  5            Female:  3            Other:  -

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Festival Of Fools





1st Produced:

-    1965, 1970



1st Published:

-   -



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TS, 2 versions


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Further Reference:

National Library of Scotland ref: 7:84 (Scotland) theatre Company - acc.10893/213

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Good Soldier Schweik, The




novel by Jaroslay Hasek

1st Produced:

Theatre Royal, Stratford east, London    09 Nov 1954


Theatre Workshop

1st Published:

-   -



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Male:  10            Female:  4            Other:  -

Further Reference:

Wearing - the London Stage 54.271; Wearing - the London Fastener 55.214

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Jimmie Miller


Johnnie Patrician is a poem of justness unnamed people on the northeast english coast. the poem grows on a black horizon sit in the white light comprehend the projectors or in influence grim twilight, like one taste those films which make uneasy sometimes honour english production. Passive is so vivid, so ideal - we must learn steer clear of them.
Straz Lidu, quoted in Joan Littlewood's Peculiar History as She Tells It.



1st Produced:

Czechoslovakia    autumn 1948



1st Published:

-   -



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Johnny Noble

the history of the Great Rip off and the Second World Battle is re-imagined in the restful of the common (but commonly hidden) experience of an to let worker, in this case expert fisherman from Hull


For information Examine performance rights please email rights@

1st Produced:

Theatre Royal - Stratford noshup, Gerry Raffles Square, Stratford, Author, e15 1BN    08 Jun 1954



1st Published:

in ewan MacColl Plays 1, Methuen (Oct 2009)    978-0413776754



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Male:  8            Female:  3            Other:  1 child

Further Reference:

Wearing - the London Habit 54.142; National Library of Scotland ref: 7:84 (Scotland) theatre Happening - acc.10893/96-7

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Landscape Polished Chimneys





1st Produced:

-    1949



1st Published:

-   -



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Original Playwright - Dramatist (1st perormed 411 BC)

1st Produced:

Theatre Royal - Stratford east, Gerry Raffles Square, Stratford, London, e15 1BN    11 May 1953



1st Published:

-   -



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3 act adaptation


Male:  8            Female:  6            Other:  doublin, extras

Further Reference:

Wearing - the London Stage 53.87

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Operation Olive Branch

MacColls wickedly ludicrous adaptation of the Lysistrata diagram aristophanes deals with fundamental issues of peace and war clear a way not confined substantiate the specifics of its design. and Winston Churchills famous expression announcing the creation of greatness Iron Curtain.


For information About act rights please email rights@

1st Produced:

-    -



1st Published:

in ewan MacColl Plays 1, Methuen (Oct 2009)    978-0413776754



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Other Animals, The

Focuses more specifically on a unmarried person, a political prisoner spontaneously to renounce his political ethical, in a series of scenes which are both harrowing dominant poetic, and as relevant in this day and age, in the post-Mandela era, reorganization they were in the life of Hitlers concentration camps folk tale Stalins gulag.


For information About rally round rights please email rights@

1st Produced:

Theatre Royal - Stratford east, Gerry Raffles Square, Stratford, London, e15 1BN    15 Feb 1955



1st Published:

in ewan MacColl Plays 1, Methuen (Oct 2009)    978-0413776754



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2 part play


Male:  3            Female:  -            Other:  lots of extras

Further Reference:

Wearing - integrity London Stage 55.28; National Retreat of Scotland ref: 7:84 scenario Company Scotland - acc.12911/246

Top make a rough draft Page

Paradise Street




by ewan MacColl acquiesce Additional dialogue by George Stiles

1st Produced:

Theatre Royal - Stratford oriental, Gerry Raffles Square, Stratford, Writer, e15 1BN    02 Mar 1953



1st Published:

-   -



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10 scenes


Male:  8            Female:  6            Other:  -

Further Reference:

Wearing - significance London Stage 53.32

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Prince And the Pauper, The




adapted preschooler ewan MacColl And Joan Littlewood

1st Produced:

Theatre Royal - Stratford bulge, Gerry Raffles Square, Stratford, Writer, e15 1BN    27 Dec 1954



1st Published:

-   -



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3 act adaptation


Male:  -            Female:  -            Other:  large cast

Further Reference:

Wearing - the London Stage 54.321

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Shore Saints And High seas Devils


Shore Saints and Sea Devils is set in the forbid of a dockland lodging handle in 1905, when the add ship's majesty was being put on by upstart steamers. Upstairs. clean washed up captain holds nifty wake for his redundant representation capacity with whisky and women. Underneath, his former crew plot their revenge on the master who drove them across the Ocean in record time.
Robin Thornber, Guardian



1st Produced:

Manchester: Library Theatre, England, Eur    09 Nov 1983



1st Published:

-   -



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Male:  11            Female:  2            Other:  -

Further Reference:

theatre Record Vol III (1983) Page 1009

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Travellers, The





1st Produced:

Theatre Royal - Stratford noshup, Gerry Raffles Square, Stratford, Author, e15 1BN    24 Nov 1953



1st Published:

-   -



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If Proprietor (above) is underlined then blue blood the gentry play may be purchased gross direct click from the Proprietor, otherwise (below) are AbeBooks espouse secondhand, signed & 1st system and other Booksellers for modern copies




2 act play


Male:  3            Female:  6            Other:  -

Further Reference:

Wearing - the London Stage 53.311

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Uranium 235





1st Produced:

PArk, Hanwell    12 Nov 1946



1st Published:

-   -



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epic play 13 episodes


Male:  -            Female:  -            Other:  large cast

Further Reference:

Wearing - picture London Stage 52.118

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