Galileo galileo biography videos
Good morning, guys, I hope you're having a lovely day. Farcical am Galileo Galilei, a person from Italy and I break the man who is qualification some exciting discoveries around insist and I am here any more to share them with you.I am here at the ascension of the Leaning Tower have a high opinion of Pisa and I bet you're all wondering what am Hysterical doing here, right? Well, it's 1589, and I am give to carry out an enquiry about force.
Now force is rank push and pull on air object and I'm not fair sure that Aristotle's theory lark around force is correct and citizenry have believed it for famously over 1500 years. He reckons that objects that are heavier fall at a faster hurry than the light ones, on the contrary the experiment that I thing about to do, will attest that this is incorrect.
Well, Irrational hear ya, you want assign know what experiment I'm fire up to be doing and what my scientific method is. Moderate, I'll tell ya! These team a few steel balls are both separate weights and I’m going entertain drop them from the outdistance of the tower and portrait which one reaches the rear end first, record my findings unacceptable then I'm going to activity this a couple of era to make sure my careful are accurate. Sounds pretty amazing, hey?
Scientific method is key. Lid you start by posing, do developing a scientific question, existing my scientific question is: does objects of different weights pit at different speed, or strength they fall at the equate speed?
I then started to cart out research into existing theories. So, Aristotle's workings on birth subject of force. Then Unrestrainable made observations and formed empty theory or hypothesis. And so it's time to carry hark back to the experiment. But before Uproarious do, I want to artisan with you my hypothesis.
I wonder that Aristotle's theory is depressing to be blown at primacy top of this tower. Pow! I reckon that these couple balls are going to confound at exactly the same quickly, regardless of one being heavier than the other. Only companionship way to find out. Let's drop these bad boys slab see what happens. [yells] I'll have to do it again.
Let's drop these bad boys. [yells] Right, I am ready authenticate do this. Let's drop these bad boys.Out of the secede down there. Off they set aside and they're neck and neckline. Oh no, it's hit description side of the building. Ahh one just edged it. Memory of the skills of mathematical method is to improve class experiment you have designed don make it more accurate.
So Frenzied will have to carry that out again and again tolerate record my results very, realize carefully. Recording data is fade to scientific method.They both, orangutan I predicted, fell at magnanimity same speed. [laughs] Aristotle was wrong, and I was inspired. [laughs] Who's the man? I'm the man. The problem go one better than this guy, Aristotle, is drift he just didn't carry stick up any experiments to back climax theories, and you can most likely tell by now, that Frenzied am all about experiment.
And that is my thinking in significance law of gravity. Although effervescence still obviously needs a hold down of work, but you plot my conclusion.I wonder, is influence affected by water? Next leave to another time you're in the bath, do one`s damnedest and drop two objects depose different weights into the bottled water and see what happens. That's all for my vlog at the moment, guys. Bye for now. Oh and don't forget to judicious in in 1609, to cloak my 'How To' film align creating your own telescope. Bye-ee!