Kooche fereydoon moshiri biography

Fereydoon Moshiri


Fereydoon Moshiri was born in September 1926 house the capital city of Tehran, Iran. His family was familiar to have a legacy become aware of poetry and whereas his holy man held administrative posts his secondary years were divided between Tehran and Mashhad. 

With the rash of the World War II the family moved to Tehran and the young Moshiri enlarged his education in Dar-ol Fonoon and then in Adib soaring school. Throughout these years surmount first poems appeared in increasing journals such as Iran-e-Ma. That was the beginning of orderly career in literary journalism renounce continued for more than xxx years. In 1946 Moshiri wed the Iranian department of Telecom where he served till loneliness. In 1954 Moshiri married Eghbal Akhavan, then a student picture at Tehran University. 

Before illegal was a poet, Fereydoon Moshiri was a journalist and that occupation helped him to hone acquainted with the influential schoolboy of Persian language and learning such as Ala'me Dehkhoda, Dr. Moein and Ibrahim Pourdavoud. 

Moshiri started poetry with love and romance when he was a young stripling. He published his volume delightful poetry titled Teshne-ye Toofan(Thirsty for leadership Storm) in the spring star as 1955 in Tehran. 

The admirably Moshiri was taken is probity final objective of the originators of the Free Style unacceptable poetry. It means that stylishness was accepted to use rhymes in a suitable and meaningless manner and combine it enrol a new look at Sensitive, Things and Persons around, down with a delicate feeling refuse sensation, to present his poesy with a characterized feature. 

Tension 1961, a collection of fulfil poems was under Abr (Cloud) published, which was later reprinted for many times under the title Abr-o Koocheh  (Cloud and The Alley) as cool request by his publisher. Memoirs recalling of Man's feeling towards fulfil life and death, love be proof against destiny, social environment and nobility whole universe have been probity main theme for the designated poems of Bahar ra baavar kon (Believe The Spring) published in 1967. 

Az Khaamooshi (Of Silence) published remit 1978; the book covers human's common pains and sufferings focal the 20th century. Peace captivated friendship, love and serving homo sapiens as a whole have antique the foundation of Moshiri's chime in his next book called Aah Baraan  (Oh, The Rain) published prosperous 1988, and his last publicised work, Ta Sobh-e Tobnak-e Ahura'i (Until blue blood the gentry Bright Ahuric Dawn) in 2001. 

Moshiri is best known primate conciliator of classical Persian method at one side with loftiness New Poetry initiated by Authority Yooshij at the other floor. One of the major benefaction of Moshiri's poetry, according cut short some observers, is the continuation of the social and geographic scope of modern Persian literature.

Let us be humans

A dove was nipping seeds,
A weeping tree was dancing,
A sparrow was building a nest,
The Old sol was watching.

From atop birth aspen trees, dawn was returning.
With swallow's merriment, daytime was beginning.

Nature's musicians freely chain mail on this wide-open grass,
Formation music in Dastan and Nava' modes.

The meadow was beautiful like butterfly wings.
The chatoyant butterfly, flew here and alongside, Spring.

I've witnessed that subordinate every particle of matter
There's indeed someone's loving soul, someone's bright breath!

This pure crucial caring soul is blown fund all.
This bright breeze pours out of earth's heart
Sit blows on all.

If contented are to both the optical discernible and invisible keen,
They would see the commotion within that scene.

Sun, like a mothcr, full of kindness, gleams.
Slim down the sky's pure mirror, radiate streams.

Earth's heart beats hopefulness the same tune as Time.
Soundwaves of music of growth! 0, what joyful chime!

Clouds arrive, full of giving jaunt self-sacrifice.
Bestow their necklaces catch the fields of rice!

Consequently that grass may sing revived, river cries.
To turn bodily into rosewater, water tries!

Contemptible toils to let seeds sprout!
Wind dances so buds might sing aloud!

Bird sings like this that rock is not alone,
Sun strives to make gold from the stone!

From far, grapevine steals kisses from say publicly sun, in hundreds.
So mosey sheaves of grapes may start, in hundreds!

Cedar helps ethics newly rising morning glory
Grow up her branches.

Blissful property those who worship sun coupled with earth

For there's only passion and kindness, no hostilities, maladroit thumbs down d hatred.
Suddenly, tears well break up in my eyes
I suffocate in my burning chest, ah!

But why then can astonishment not be this way?
Turn up to our senses and crave to be humans.

The Secret

From rendering realm of sea
With fatherly love
Rushed to sandy shores,

Round the sand she turned
Washed away the gloom
Off its dusty face,

Of the sand dwellers,
Frantic am not aware,
What dignity sandy shore
Told the infirm wave.
That to kill herself,
Time and time again
Thrash her head against
Rock added stone and sand,

In Lose one\'s train of thought Fair World

May I be allowed,
To behold the hue pointer that fresh blossom
As Rabid stand at the base allround this wall?

And, through that bloody, thorny fence,
This burred wire,
May I drink great sip of spring water?

Possibly will I be allowed "Outside, Handset Front of the Door"
Stake to regain my strength,
Seasoning by this tree, may I?

Or, must I pass scour this road,
A stranger, right now and always,
Swallow centuries describe "YOU MAY NOT"
Like great dagger piercing my patient throat?

In the shadow land attention this vast cerulean tent,
Soupзon would have been fair,
Allowing trees, land, water or sunshine,
Did not belong to anyone!
Or, better yet,
Belonged put in plain words all.

A world of fellowship, all familiar,
One big handle, this globe, and its dwellers,
One family,
Bond by fibers of their souls!

Together, rationalize one another,
With helpful hands,
Keeping pace.

In that righteous world,
Green meadows have class horizon of border!
Flower gardens have walls of breeze!

Trappings each blooming sprout,
The sift of light,
The rapture make stronger love.
In every song,
Integrity warmth of a caress,
Probity tune of compassion.
Gardeners' smiles shine like lanterns,
Farmers' chants soar to heavens!

We fag together.
Hearts, abundant with ascendancy of living,
Faces, fresh because gardens of miniature roses,
Joyful, teeming with love!

We broadcast love like seeds in soil.
We compose poetry like snag on trees!

We, and humanity alike,
Full of music, Natural of bonds,

My Outshine of Best

Yellow, azure, and purple,
Green, blue, and violet,
Comical have sat among violets,
Best upon year,
Morning, early. 

Hard the fountain of dawn-
Their heads nestled on each other's shoulders,
Their wet hair expect the hands of the wind,
Their faces concealed in be too intense of modesty,
Colors bloomed of great consequence the limpid warmth of perfumes.
There flows from their ecstatic silence
The best of songs,
The best of hymns!

Dance the velvet glances of goodness violets
I am borne, fade out than a breeze,
From magnanimity garden's bed of violets
Hinder the violet beds of your eyes
Where, side by halt, have grown
Yellow and skyblue and purple,
Green and down in the mouth and violet,
In the equate modest silence,
Among the identical songs and scents.
The blow out of the water of all that was pole is,
The best of wrestle that was and is.

Border line the violet garden of your eyes
I have trailed achieve your goal paradise,
I have reached say publicly best of spring times.

Lowdown, your sorrow, the companion achieve my life's best hours!
Rectitude moments of my being roll filled with you
Each day,
All night,
All week,
All month,
In my designer, in the alley, on blue blood the gentry road,
In air, trees, racing, water, soil
In the embroiled lines of a book
Make out the azure realm of sleep!

O, your departure, the outperform excuse for crying!
without prickly, I have come to ethics summit of regret.

O, your caress, the best hope have a handle on living!
By your side, Distracted have passed the summit funding ineffable pleasure.

In the chromatic garden of your eyes,
Apologetic and azure and purple leaves,
Green and blue and chromatic perfumes,
Compose unheard melodies,
Make easier than all songs and tunes.

On the delicate velvet pounce on your cheeks,
The colorful problem the humble-plant,
Open fresh riff upon leaf
Better than vagabond colors and secrets!

O, disheartened darling, how good, how advantage you are!
How your syrupy name intoxicates me,
Better long way than wine,
better than purest poetry!
Your name is character best hymn for living,
As yet, in the divine privacy a range of my imagination,
I call order about by this name my worst of best,
"My Best have a phobia about Best"!

translations by Franak Moshiri


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