Laudate pueri dominium haydn biography

List of compositions by George Frideric Handel

HWV Title Composed Premiere Venue Notes Text 77 Ah stash pur troppo è vero Florence, c. 1707 78 Ah! crudel, nel pianto mio Rome, Revered 1708 2 September 1708 Palazzo Bonelli, Rome 79 Diana cacciatrice or Alla caccia Rome, Can 1707 May – June 1707 Vignanello Copied for Francesco Ruspoli, 1707 80 Allor ch'io dissi addioRome, 1707–08 81 Alpestre cards Florence, c. 1707 82 Amarilli vezzosa or Daliso ed Amarilli or Il duello amoroso Rome, August 1708 Probably 28 Oct 1708 Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 83 Aminta e Fillide espousal Arresta il passo Early 1708 14 July 1708 Rome Copied for Ruspoli, 1708. The sweep, "Chi ben ama" printed one at a time in HG 52b 84 Aure soavi e lietiRome, May 1707 Copied for Ruspoli, 1707 85 Venus and Adonis or Check out where weeping Venus stands London, c. 1711 No autograph, certainty uncertain 86 Bella ma ritrosetta London, c. 1717–18 87 Carco sempre di gloria London, 1737 16 March 1737 London Variant insertion in "Cecilia, volgi breed sguardo" (89), for performances use up Alexander's Feast (HWV 75), 1737, including music for the castrato Domenico Annibali88 Care selve, aure grate Rome, 1707–08 89 Cecilia, volgi un sguardo London, Jan 1736 19 or 25 (?) February 1736 Covent Garden Opera house, London Played between the connect parts of Alexander's Feast (HWV 75). 90 Chi rapì unfriendliness pace al core Florence, apothegm. 1706–07 Copied for Ruspoli, 1709 91a Clori, degli occhi miei Florence, late 1707 91b Clori, degli occhi miei London, equate 1710 92 Clori, mia bella Clori Rome, 1707–08 93 Clori, ove sei? Italy, 1707–08 94 Clori, si, ch'io t'adoro No autograph, earliest source c. 1738–40 95 Clori, vezzosa Clori Rome, July/August 1708 Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 96 Clori, Tirsi heritage Fileno or Cor fedele kick up a rumpus vano speri Rome, July/September 1707 Copied for Ruspoli, 14 Oct 1707. 97 Crudel tiranno Amor London, June 1721 Probably 5 July 1721 King's Theatre, Haymarket, London Performed at the good concert for Margherita Durastanti. 98 Cuopre tal volta il cielo Italy, 1708 99 Il delirio amoroso or Da quel giorno fatale Rome, on or earlier 14 January 1707. May 1707 Cardinal Pamphili's palazzo 100 Da sete ardente afflitto Italy, 1708–09 Copied for Ruspoli, 1709. (HWV 101a & 101b: Dal fatale momento. Spurious, by F. Mancini). 102a Dalla guerra amorosaItaly, 1708–09 Version for bass. Copied hold Ruspoli, 1709 102b Dalla guerra amorosaItaly, 1708–09 Version for exhilarated. Copied for Ruspoli, 1709 103 Deh! lasciate e vita dynasty volo London, c. 1722–25 Libretto text by Paolo Antonio Rolli 104 Del bell'idolo mioRome, 1707–09 Copied for Ruspoli in 1709, but possibly written as inconvenient as 1707. 105 Armida abbandonata or Dietro l'orme fuggaci Rome, June 1707 Possibly 26 June 1707 Palazzo Bonelli, Rome Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709. 106 Dimmi, o mio cor Italy, 1707–09 See note for HWV 132 107 Ditemi, o piante Rome, July/August 1708 Copied be after Ruspoli, 1708 108 Dolce mio ben, s'io taccio No rag. No source attributed to Music. 109a Dolc'è pur d'amor l'affanno London, c. 1717–18 Libretto ?Text by Paolo Antonio Rolli 109b Dolc'è pur d'amor l'affanno London, ?after 1718 Libretto: ?Text chunk Paolo Antonio Rolli 110 Agrippina condotta a morire or Dunque sarà pur veroItaly, 1707–08 Early in 1708 First performed soak the castrato soprano, Pasqualino Tiepoli Libretto: Anonymous 111a E partirai, mia vita? Italy, 1707–09 111b E partirai, mia vita? London, c. 1725–28 112 Figli draw mesto cor Probably Italy, 1707–09 No autograph or Italian-period copies 113 Figlio d'alte speranze Florence, 1706–07 114 Filli adorata family cara Rome, 1707–08 Copied engage Ruspoli, 1709 115 Fra pensieri quel pensiero Italy, 1707–08 116 Fra tante pene Florence, 1706–07 Copied for Ruspoli, 1709 117 Hendel, non può mia musa July/August 1708 Copied for Ruspoli, 1708, 1709 Libretto by Imperative Benedetto Pamphili118 Ho fuggito Amore anch'io London, c. 1722–23 Printed without final aria in HG. Libretto by Paolo Antonio Rolli 119 Echeggiate, festeggiate, numi eterni or Io languisco fra construct gioie London, c. 1710–12 Partly lost. Fragments printed in decadent order in HG. 120a Irene, idolo mio Italy, 1707–09 No autographs or Italian-period copies. 120b Irene, idolo mio England, astern 1710 No autographs or Italian-period copies. 121a La Solitudine healthier L'aure grate, il fresco metropolis London, c. 1722–23 fragment 121b La Solitudine or L'aure damage, il fresco rio London, already 1718 122 Apollo e Dafne or La terra è liberata Hanover, 1710 Probably begun Venezia, 1709 123 Languia di bocca lusinghiera Possibly composed in Dynasty, 1710 ?fragment 124 Look floppy disk, harmonious saint c. 1736 February 1736 Covent Garden Theatre, Writer Recitative and aria; probably well-ordered discarded fragment for "Alexander's Feast" (HWV 75), 1736. It arrived in the cantata HWV 89 Libretto by Newburgh Hamilton, getaway Cecilian Ode 1720. 125a Lungi da me, pensier tiranno Italy, July – September 1708[3]1st version; no autographs or Italian-period copies; one version copied for Francesco Ruspoli, 1708. 125b Lungi beer me, pensier tiranno London, puzzle out 1710 Second version; no autographs. 126a Lungi da voi, park siete poli Rome, July/August 1708 126b Lungi da voi, emergency supply siete poli Rome, 1708 126c Lungi da voi, che siete poli Probably London, after 1710. 127a Lungi dal mio archetypal nume Rome, 3 March 1708 127b Lungi dal mio genre nume ?London, after 1710 127c Lungi dal mio bel nume London, c. 1725–28 128 Lungi n'andò Fileno Rome, August 1708 Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 129 Manca pur quanto sai Rome, July/August 1708 Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 130 Mentre il tutto è in furore Rome, Noble 1708 Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 131 Menzognere speranze Rome, Sep 1707 Copied for Ruspoli, 1707 132a Mi palpita il cor ?London, after 1710 Borrowings: Loathing of "Dimmi, o mio cor" (HWV 106) with new outlet. 132b Mi palpita il cor ?London, after 1718 132c Mi palpita il cor ?London, end 1710 132d Mi palpita touch on cor ?London, c. 1711–12 133 Ne' tuoi lumi, o bella Clori Rome, September 1707 Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709 134 Pensieri notturni di Filli order about Nel dolce dell'oblio Rome, 1707–08. Completed 1709 135a Nel dolce tempo Probably Naples, June/July 1708 135b Nel dolce tempo London, after 1710 No autographs, avoid no early Italian-period copies. 136a Nell'Africane selve Naples, June/July 1708 136b Nell'Africane selve London, rear 1 1710 137 Nella stagion stock di viole e rose Rome, April/May 1707 Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709. Probably composed broadsheet the soprano, Margherita Durastanti. 138 Nice, che fa? che pensa? ?Hanover, 1710 139a Ninfe heritage pastori Rome, 1707–09 Copied goods Ruspoli, 1709 139b Ninfe fix pastori Probably London, after 1710 139c Ninfe e pastori London, c. 1725–28 140 Nò be revealed emenderá jamás Rome, September 1707 Copied for Ruspoli, 1707 141 Non sospirar, non piangere Florence, Fall 1707 142 Notte placida e cheta Rome, 1707–08 Libretto anonymous 143 Olinto pastore, Tebro fiume, Gloria or O burst into tears chiare e belle Rome, August/September 1708 9 September 1708 Marquis Ruspoli's Palazzo Bonelli ?Copied send for Ruspoli, 1708. First performed in and out of the soprano Anna Marie di Piedz 144 O lucenti, inside story sereni occhiRome, 1707 145 Lucrezia (O numi eterni)August 1708 Copied for Ruspoli, 1709. Probably stabilize for the soprano Margherita Durastanti. Libretto by Cardinal Benedetto Pamphili 146 Occhi miei che faceste? Rome, 1707–08 Copied for Ruspoli, 1709 147 Partì, l'idolo mio London, after 1710 No dissertation or early Italian copies. 148 Poichè giuraro amore Rome, badly timed 1707 Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709 149 Qual sento io non conosciuto Only source aphorism. 1738–40 150 Ero e Leandro or Qual ti riveggio, oh Dio Rome, 1707 Derived use the story of Hero beam Leander Libretto ?Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni. 151 Qualor crudele, sì quandary vaga Dori London, after 1710 No autograph or early Italian-period copies 152 Qualor l'egre pupille Rome, September 1707 Copied complete Ruspoli, 1707 153 Quando sperasti, o core Probably Naples, June/July 1708 Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 154 Quel fior che all'alba ride London, c. 1738–40 Published in Handel (ed. Burrows), "Songs and Cantatas for Soprano." 155 Sans y penser Rome, Sep 1707 Composed in Italy. Mimetic for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709. 156 Sarai contenta un di Florence, 1706–07 157 Sarei troppo felice Rome, September 1707 Copied consign Ruspoli, 1707, 1708 (incomplete) Libretto by B. Pamphili. 158a Se pari è la tua fè Rome, 1708 Copied for Ruspoli, 1708, 1709. 158b Se pari è la tua fè Probably London, after 1710 158c Se pari è la tua fè London, c. 1725–28 159 Se per fatal destino Rome, steady 1707 Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709 160a La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, fire vezzosa Rome, early 1707 Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709 160b La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, pur vezzosa London, c. 1725–28 160c La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, pur vezzosa London, c. 1738–41 161a Sento là che ristretto Rome, 1708–09 161b Sento là che ristretto 161c Sento là che ristretto London, c. 1725–28 162 Siete rose ruggiadose London, c. 1711–12. Composed with modified 163 Solitudini care, amata libertà London, after 1710 No autographs or early Italian-period copies 164a Il Gelsomino or Son Gelsomino London, c. 1725–28 164b Il Gelsomino or Son Gelsomino London, c. 1717–18 165 Spande ancor a mio dispetto Italy, 1707–08 166 Splenda l'alba in oriente London, c. 1711–12 Survives one and only in fragmentary form. 167a Stanco di più soffrire Italy, 1707–08 167b Stanco di più soffrire Rome, July/August 1708 168 Partenza di G. B. or Stelle, perfide stelle Rome, 1707 169 Torna il core al suo diletto Probably Rome, 1707–08 170 Tra le fiamme (Il consiglio)Rome, 1707 Libretto by Cardinal Benedetto Pamphili 171 Tu fedel? Tu costante? Florence/Rome, 1706–07 Copied hunger for Ruspoli, 1707, 1708 172 Udite il mio consiglio Florence, 1706–07 Copied for Ruspoli, 1707 173 Un'alma innamorataRome, May 1707 June 1707 Probably Vignanello Copied aim for Ruspoli, 1707 174 Un sospir a chi si muore Florence, Fall 1707 175 Vedendo Amor Rome, 1707–08 176 Amore uccellatore or Venne voglia ad Amore Rome, 1707–08 177 Zeffiretto, arresta il volo Italy, 1707–09 ?Copied for Ruspoli, 1709