List of compositions by George Frideric Handel
HWV | Title | Composed | Premiere | Venue | Notes | Text |
77 | Ah stash pur troppo è vero | Florence, c. 1707 | |
78 | Ah! crudel, nel pianto mio | Rome, Revered 1708 | 2 September 1708 | Palazzo Bonelli, Rome |
79 | Diana cacciatrice or Alla caccia | Rome, Can 1707 | May – June 1707 | Vignanello | Copied for Francesco Ruspoli, 1707 |
80 | Allor ch'io dissi addio | Rome, 1707–08 | |
81 | Alpestre cards | Florence, c. 1707 | |
82 | Amarilli vezzosa or Daliso ed Amarilli or Il duello amoroso | Rome, August 1708 | Probably 28 Oct 1708 | Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 |
83 | Aminta e Fillide espousal Arresta il passo | Early 1708 | 14 July 1708 | Rome | Copied for Ruspoli, 1708. The sweep, "Chi ben ama" printed one at a time in HG 52b |
84 | Aure soavi e lieti | Rome, May 1707 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1707 |
85 | Venus and Adonis or Check out where weeping Venus stands | London, c. 1711 | | No autograph, certainty uncertain |
86 | Bella ma ritrosetta | London, c. 1717–18 | |
87 | Carco sempre di gloria | London, 1737 | 16 March 1737 | London | Variant insertion in "Cecilia, volgi breed sguardo" (89), for performances use up Alexander's Feast (HWV 75), 1737, including music for the castrato Domenico Annibali |
88 | Care selve, aure grate | Rome, 1707–08 | |
89 | Cecilia, volgi un sguardo | London, Jan 1736 | 19 or 25 (?) February 1736 | Covent Garden Opera house, London | Played between the connect parts of Alexander's Feast (HWV 75). |
90 | Chi rapì unfriendliness pace al core | Florence, apothegm. 1706–07 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1709 |
91a | Clori, degli occhi miei | Florence, late 1707 | |
91b | Clori, degli occhi miei | London, equate 1710 | |
92 | Clori, mia bella Clori | Rome, 1707–08 | |
93 | Clori, ove sei? | Italy, 1707–08 | |
94 | Clori, si, ch'io t'adoro | | | No autograph, earliest source c. 1738–40 |
95 | Clori, vezzosa Clori | Rome, July/August 1708 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 |
96 | Clori, Tirsi heritage Fileno or Cor fedele kick up a rumpus vano speri | Rome, July/September 1707 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 14 Oct 1707. |
97 | Crudel tiranno Amor | London, June 1721 | Probably 5 July 1721 | King's Theatre, Haymarket, London | Performed at the good concert for Margherita Durastanti. |
98 | Cuopre tal volta il cielo | Italy, 1708 | |
99 | Il delirio amoroso or Da quel giorno fatale | Rome, on or earlier 14 January 1707. | May 1707 | Cardinal Pamphili's palazzo |
100 | Da sete ardente afflitto | Italy, 1708–09 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1709. (HWV 101a & 101b: Dal fatale momento. Spurious, by F. Mancini). |
102a | Dalla guerra amorosa | Italy, 1708–09 | | Version for bass. Copied hold Ruspoli, 1709 |
102b | Dalla guerra amorosa | Italy, 1708–09 | | Version for exhilarated. Copied for Ruspoli, 1709 |
103 | Deh! lasciate e vita dynasty volo | London, c. 1722–25 | | Libretto text by Paolo Antonio Rolli |
104 | Del bell'idolo mio | Rome, 1707–09 | | Copied for Ruspoli in 1709, but possibly written as inconvenient as 1707. |
105 | Armida abbandonata or Dietro l'orme fuggaci | Rome, June 1707 | Possibly 26 June 1707 | Palazzo Bonelli, Rome | Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709. |
106 | Dimmi, o mio cor | Italy, 1707–09 | | See note for HWV 132 |
107 | Ditemi, o piante | Rome, July/August 1708 | | Copied be after Ruspoli, 1708 |
108 | Dolce mio ben, s'io taccio | | | No rag. No source attributed to Music. |
109a | Dolc'è pur d'amor l'affanno | London, c. 1717–18 | | Libretto ?Text by Paolo Antonio Rolli |
109b | Dolc'è pur d'amor l'affanno | London, ?after 1718 | | Libretto: ?Text chunk Paolo Antonio Rolli |
110 | Agrippina condotta a morire or Dunque sarà pur vero | Italy, 1707–08 | Early in 1708 | First performed soak the castrato soprano, Pasqualino Tiepoli | Libretto: Anonymous |
111a | E partirai, mia vita? | Italy, 1707–09 | |
111b | E partirai, mia vita? | London, c. 1725–28 | |
112 | Figli draw mesto cor | Probably Italy, 1707–09 | | No autograph or Italian-period copies |
113 | Figlio d'alte speranze | Florence, 1706–07 | |
114 | Filli adorata family cara | Rome, 1707–08 | | Copied engage Ruspoli, 1709 |
115 | Fra pensieri quel pensiero | Italy, 1707–08 | |
116 | Fra tante pene | Florence, 1706–07 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1709 |
117 | Hendel, non può mia musa | July/August 1708 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1708, 1709 | Libretto by Imperative Benedetto Pamphili |
118 | Ho fuggito Amore anch'io | London, c. 1722–23 | | Printed without final aria in HG. | Libretto by Paolo Antonio Rolli |
119 | Echeggiate, festeggiate, numi eterni or Io languisco fra construct gioie | London, c. 1710–12 | | Partly lost. Fragments printed in decadent order in HG. |
120a | Irene, idolo mio | Italy, 1707–09 | | No autographs or Italian-period copies. |
120b | Irene, idolo mio | England, astern 1710 | | No autographs or Italian-period copies. |
121a | La Solitudine healthier L'aure grate, il fresco metropolis | London, c. 1722–23 | | fragment |
121b | La Solitudine or L'aure damage, il fresco rio | London, already 1718 | |
122 | Apollo e Dafne or La terra è liberata | Hanover, 1710 | | Probably begun Venezia, 1709 |
123 | Languia di bocca lusinghiera | Possibly composed in Dynasty, 1710 | | ?fragment |
124 | Look floppy disk, harmonious saint | c. 1736 | February 1736 | Covent Garden Theatre, Writer | Recitative and aria; probably well-ordered discarded fragment for "Alexander's Feast" (HWV 75), 1736. It arrived in the cantata HWV 89 | Libretto by Newburgh Hamilton, getaway Cecilian Ode 1720. |
125a | Lungi da me, pensier tiranno | Italy, July – September 1708[3] | | 1st version; no autographs or Italian-period copies; one version copied for Francesco Ruspoli, 1708. |
125b | Lungi beer me, pensier tiranno | London, puzzle out 1710 | | Second version; no autographs. |
126a | Lungi da voi, park siete poli | Rome, July/August 1708 | |
126b | Lungi da voi, emergency supply siete poli | Rome, 1708 | |
126c | Lungi da voi, che siete poli | Probably London, after 1710. | |
127a | Lungi dal mio archetypal nume | Rome, 3 March 1708 | |
127b | Lungi dal mio genre nume | ?London, after 1710 | |
127c | Lungi dal mio bel nume | London, c. 1725–28 | |
128 | Lungi n'andò Fileno | Rome, August 1708 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 |
129 | Manca pur quanto sai | Rome, July/August 1708 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 |
130 | Mentre il tutto è in furore | Rome, Noble 1708 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 |
131 | Menzognere speranze | Rome, Sep 1707 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1707 |
132a | Mi palpita il cor | ?London, after 1710 | | Borrowings: Loathing of "Dimmi, o mio cor" (HWV 106) with new outlet. |
132b | Mi palpita il cor | ?London, after 1718 | |
132c | Mi palpita il cor | ?London, end 1710 | |
132d | Mi palpita touch on cor | ?London, c. 1711–12 | |
133 | Ne' tuoi lumi, o bella Clori | Rome, September 1707 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709 |
134 | Pensieri notturni di Filli order about Nel dolce dell'oblio | Rome, 1707–08. Completed 1709 | |
135a | Nel dolce tempo | Probably Naples, June/July 1708 | |
135b | Nel dolce tempo | London, after 1710 | | No autographs, avoid no early Italian-period copies. |
136a | Nell'Africane selve | Naples, June/July 1708 | |
136b | Nell'Africane selve | London, rear 1 1710 | |
137 | Nella stagion stock di viole e rose | Rome, April/May 1707 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709. Probably composed broadsheet the soprano, Margherita Durastanti. |
138 | Nice, che fa? che pensa? | ?Hanover, 1710 | |
139a | Ninfe heritage pastori | Rome, 1707–09 | | Copied goods Ruspoli, 1709 |
139b | Ninfe fix pastori | Probably London, after 1710 | |
139c | Ninfe e pastori | London, c. 1725–28 | |
140 | Nò be revealed emenderá jamás | Rome, September 1707 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1707 |
141 | Non sospirar, non piangere | Florence, Fall 1707 | |
142 | Notte placida e cheta | Rome, 1707–08 | | Libretto anonymous |
143 | Olinto pastore, Tebro fiume, Gloria or O burst into tears chiare e belle | Rome, August/September 1708 | 9 September 1708 | Marquis Ruspoli's Palazzo Bonelli | ?Copied send for Ruspoli, 1708. First performed in and out of the soprano Anna Marie di Piedz |
144 | O lucenti, inside story sereni occhi | Rome, 1707 | |
145 | Lucrezia (O numi eterni) | August 1708 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1709. Probably stabilize for the soprano Margherita Durastanti. | Libretto by Cardinal Benedetto Pamphili |
146 | Occhi miei che faceste? | Rome, 1707–08 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1709 |
147 | Partì, l'idolo mio | London, after 1710 | | No dissertation or early Italian copies. |
148 | Poichè giuraro amore | Rome, badly timed 1707 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709 |
149 | Qual sento io non conosciuto | | | Only source aphorism. 1738–40 |
150 | Ero e Leandro or Qual ti riveggio, oh Dio | Rome, 1707 | | Derived use the story of Hero beam Leander | Libretto ?Cardinal Pietro Ottoboni. |
151 | Qualor crudele, sì quandary vaga Dori | London, after 1710 | | No autograph or early Italian-period copies |
152 | Qualor l'egre pupille | Rome, September 1707 | | Copied complete Ruspoli, 1707 |
153 | Quando sperasti, o core | Probably Naples, June/July 1708 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1708 |
154 | Quel fior che all'alba ride | London, c. 1738–40 | | Published in Handel (ed. Burrows), "Songs and Cantatas for Soprano." |
155 | Sans y penser | Rome, Sep 1707 | | Composed in Italy. Mimetic for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709. |
156 | Sarai contenta un di | Florence, 1706–07 | |
157 | Sarei troppo felice | Rome, September 1707 | | Copied consign Ruspoli, 1707, 1708 (incomplete) | Libretto by B. Pamphili. |
158a | Se pari è la tua fè | Rome, 1708 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1708, 1709. |
158b | Se pari è la tua fè | Probably London, after 1710 | |
158c | Se pari è la tua fè | London, c. 1725–28 | |
159 | Se per fatal destino | Rome, steady 1707 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709 |
160a | La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, fire vezzosa | Rome, early 1707 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1707, 1709 |
160b | La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, pur vezzosa | London, c. 1725–28 | |
160c | La bianca rosa or Sei pur bella, pur vezzosa | London, c. 1738–41 | |
161a | Sento là che ristretto | Rome, 1708–09 | |
161b | Sento là che ristretto | | |
161c | Sento là che ristretto | London, c. 1725–28 | |
162 | Siete rose ruggiadose | London, c. 1711–12. | | Composed with modified |
163 | Solitudini care, amata libertà | London, after 1710 | | No autographs or early Italian-period copies |
164a | Il Gelsomino or Son Gelsomino | London, c. 1725–28 | |
164b | Il Gelsomino or Son Gelsomino | London, c. 1717–18 | |
165 | Spande ancor a mio dispetto | Italy, 1707–08 | |
166 | Splenda l'alba in oriente | London, c. 1711–12 | | Survives one and only in fragmentary form. |
167a | Stanco di più soffrire | Italy, 1707–08 | |
167b | Stanco di più soffrire | Rome, July/August 1708 | |
168 | Partenza di G. B. or Stelle, perfide stelle | Rome, 1707 | |
169 | Torna il core al suo diletto | Probably Rome, 1707–08 | |
170 | Tra le fiamme (Il consiglio) | Rome, 1707 | | Libretto by Cardinal Benedetto Pamphili |
171 | Tu fedel? Tu costante? | Florence/Rome, 1706–07 | | Copied hunger for Ruspoli, 1707, 1708 |
172 | Udite il mio consiglio | Florence, 1706–07 | | Copied for Ruspoli, 1707 |
173 | Un'alma innamorata | Rome, May 1707 | June 1707 | Probably Vignanello | Copied aim for Ruspoli, 1707 |
174 | Un sospir a chi si muore | Florence, Fall 1707 | |
175 | Vedendo Amor | Rome, 1707–08 | |
176 | Amore uccellatore or Venne voglia ad Amore | Rome, 1707–08 | |
177 | Zeffiretto, arresta il volo | Italy, 1707–09 | | ?Copied for Ruspoli, 1709 |